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Grade 7 Topic 5 Abstinence. What does abstinence mean?

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 7 Topic 5 Abstinence. What does abstinence mean?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 7 Topic 5 Abstinence

2 What does abstinence mean?

3 How can people show affection without having sexual intercourse?

4 Why do people postpone sexual involvement? Fear of pregnancy Fear of STI (including HIV / AIDS) Family expectations Fear of cancer Other forms of affection Religious values Not ready Not the right person Waiting for a life partner

5 What are the advantages of abstinence? Freedom from… Pregnancy Sexually transmitted infections Bother and side effects of birth control The pressure to marry before you are ready Abortion decision Adoption issue Being used Guilt, doubt, disappointment, worry, rejection Loss of reputation Ruining your future

6 What are the advantages of abstinence? Freedom to… Develop friendships Enjoy being a teenager Be in control of your life Focus energy on establishing and realizing life goals Experience fuller communication in dating relationships Develop respect for self Develop unselfish sensitivity to others Resist temptation Understand sex Plan your future

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