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N OUNS LO. I can identify common, abstract collective and proper nouns.

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Presentation on theme: "N OUNS LO. I can identify common, abstract collective and proper nouns."— Presentation transcript:

1 N OUNS LO. I can identify common, abstract collective and proper nouns

2 C OMMON N OUNS These are the names of ordinary, everyday things which you can touch, see or feel.

3 A BSTRACT N OUNS You cannot see or touch abstract nouns. They are the names of qualities and feelings.

4 COLLECTIVE N OUNS These are the names of groups of things.

5 G1 Tip: Can you put ‘the’ in front of the word? If Yes it is a noun! The silence in the room was strange. The orchestra played out of tune. It doesn’t work for proper nouns

6 If you were a second year there was a different feel about arriving at school that morning. Your friends were standing around in groups by the gate with bags and cases and no uniform, watching the other kids trail down the drive to begin another week of lessons. You'd be going into school yourself, of course, but only for a few minutes. Only long enough to answer your name and listen to some final instructions from Mr Joyce. There was a coach at the bottom of the drive a gleaming, blue and white coach with tinted windows and brilliant chrome.

7 G2 LO. I can identify common, abstract, collective and proper nouns in sentences.

8 A DJECTIVES LO. I can explain what an adjective is and use them to make my sentences interesting.

9 A DJECTIVES An adjective describes a noun. The fox scrambled into its hole. Adjectives Lets add some adjectives and make the sentence more interesting.

10 Y OUR TURN Gareth waited behind the curtains before he walked onto the stage. A cat came to sit on my lap, purring as it washed its paws and whiskers. The chicken crossed the road. They followed the path through the forest.

11 Adjectives ice peace danger star mystery function adjectivesnouns 39

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