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Finish Start People Vocab Jump Shots Extreme Feudalism More cool stuff Chapter 14.

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2 Finish Start People Vocab Jump Shots Extreme Feudalism More cool stuff Chapter 14

3 Finish Start People Vocab. Jump Shots Extreme Feudalism More cool stuff Chapter 14

4 This game will take you through a review of Medieval Europe. Click on the first box. Read through the information on the screen, and click on the BEST of the choices. Be careful, though. If you choose the wrong answer, you’ll be taken back to the initial screen, and you’ll have to start over! HAVE FUN! Click here to go back and get started.

5 Whose travels on the Silk Road started trade between Europe and Asia? Marco PoloCharlemagne

6 Who was the Emperor of the Frankish Empire? King John Charlemagne

7 Whose cruel rule led to the creation of the Magna Carta? Alexius Comnenus King John

8 Who was the Norman who led attacks in England and Italy? Charlemagne William the Conqueror

9 Who is the founder of Islam? Pope Urban II Muhammed

10 Go to vocabulary.

11 What/Who was a person of noble birth but had little opportunity to make life decisions without direction from a spouse? “woman of the town”lady nun

12 Who teaches a religion to people with different or no religious beliefs? missionary nun monk

13 A man who devoted his life to religion was called a __________. monk missionary knight

14 According to the code of __________, a knight pledged to use his strength to stand against injustice. chivalry conduct arms

15 Monks studied, prayed, and lived in a community called a __________. monastery utopia covenant

16 Go to _jump shots.

17 Which was a reason the crusaders had for going on the crusades? Fought for themselves Their wives made them.

18 Name a benefit Europe’s rivers provide? transportationdeltas

19 What is one idea the Domesday book kept track of? peoplehouses

20 marketsfairs At what type of events could serfs get international goods?

21 It didn’t Class system broke down. The church gained power. Serfs lost even more rights. How did the plague affect feudalism?

22 Go to _extreme feudalism.

23 What document was written to limit the king’s power in 1215? Domesday book English Bill of Rights Rights of Englishmen Magna Carta

24 What is the second level in feudalism? knightslordsserfs

25 What is the first level in feudalism? serfsmonarchlords

26 What is the 4 th layer in feudalism? knightsserfslords

27 What is the 3 rd layer of feudalism lordsknights

28 Go to more cool stuff.

29 What was a part of the manor system? Question manor housecastle A B

30 Which was a part of the manor system? Fishing pond A barn B farmland C

31 What was used to get the maximum productions from farm fields? water A fertilizer B 3-field rotation system C

32 What did many serfs cottages have? Fruit and vegetable gardens A wood floors B lofts C

33 How many days a week were serfs allowed to work their own land? 3 days A 4 days B 2 days C

34 What happened as a result of surplus? Lords got richer Serfs got fatter Serfs were only required to work 2 days a week on the lords land. Serfs had to work more. Serfs revolted Towns started to grow A F E D C B

35 Go to After the _bonus round_.

36 The Vikings robbed which country? ItalyFranceGreece

37 How were the Normans different? They defeated England. They adopted Frankish customs. They didn’t rob people.

38 What did King John do that forced the lords to make him sign the Magna Carta? Took England to war. Sold royal positions to the highest bidder. Raised taxes

39 When was King John crowned? 119811991215

40 Which area in Europe is good for farming? Central Uplands North European Plain Northwest Mountains

41 Finish

42 Now you are ready for … If you use what you have learned here, you should have a better chance of... doing well on the test tomorrow.

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