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$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300.

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Presentation on theme: "$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300."— Presentation transcript:









9 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

10 1-100 What are abdominal thrusts? 1 - 100

11 1-100A Actions that apply pressure to a choking person’s abdomen to force the object out of the throat 1 - 100 Select a new category Select a New Category

12 1-200 What is a dislocation?

13 1-200A The bone has been forced from its normal position in its joint 1 - 100 Select a New Category

14 1-300 When should you not move an injured person?

15 1-300A When a person breaks a bone or has a back injury 1 - 100 Select a New Category

16 1-400 Which type of injury can be very serious, deadly, or cause partial/full paralysis?

17 1-400A 1 - 100 Head and back injuries Select a New Category

18 1-500 What is shock?

19 1-500A 1 - 100 The body’s response to reduced blood flow Select a New Category

20 2-100 1 - 100 What are the five steps for giving first aid?

21 2-100A 1.Identify what is wrong 2.Check the scene 3.Check the victim 4.Call for help 5.Care for the victim 1 - 100 Select a New Category

22 2-200 How do you know if someone is in shock?

23 2-200A 1 - 100 Pale skin, cool or clammy, weak heart rate, lightheaded, slow breathing Select a New Category

24 2-300 What is CPR?

25 2-300A 1 - 100 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation – emergency technique used to save a victim that isn’t breathing or doesn’t have a heartbeat Select a New Category

26 2-400 Conducting first Aid does have some risks. What are they? (3 answers)

27 2-400A 1 - 100 Blood, saliva, or other body fluids Select a New Category

28 2-500 Why are blood, saliva, or other body fluids risky for first aid?

29 2-500A 1 - 100 They may contain bacteria and viruses that can make you sick Select a New Category

30 3-100 1 - 100 How can you protect yourself from bacteria or viruses when giving first aid? (2 answers)

31 3-100A 1 - 100 Latex Gloves Breathing Barrier (CPR Mask) Select a New Category

32 3-200 What are the ABC’s for CPR?

33 3-200A 1 - 100 A: Airway – make sure it is clear and open B: Breathing – see if the victim is breathing C: Circulation – is the victim’s heart beating Select a New Category

34 3-300 What should you do if you are exposed to a body fluid?

35 3-300A 1 - 100 Wash immediately with soap and water Select a New Category

36 3-400 What should you do for simple cuts and scrapes? (3 steps)

37 3-400A 1 - 100 Wash it with soap and water, use an antibiotic cream, and apply a bandage (band- aid) Select a New Category

38 3-500 What should you do for severe bleeding? (2 steps)

39 3-500A 1 - 100 Use sterile (clean) gauze or a clean cloth and apply direct pressure to stop bleeding Select a New Category

40 4-100 1 - 100 What can you do to help a person in shock?

41 4-100A 1 - 100 1.Call for help 2.Keep the victim alert 3.Lie the victim down and elevate their legs 12in above their head Select a New Category

42 4-200 What two things should you do if you suspect someone has been poisoned?

43 4-200A 1.Call 911 2.Call Poison Control 1 - 100 Select a New Category

44 4-300 When does choking occur?

45 4-300A 1 - 100 A person’s airway is blocked and they cannot cough, speak or breathe Select a New Category

46 4-400 How can poison’s enter the body? (4 ways)

47 4-400A 1 - 100 1.Mouth 2.Skin 3.Lungs 4.injection Select a New Category

48 4-500 What is important to know when a person ingested poison?

49 4-500A Which poison the person ingested 1 - 100 Select a New Category

50 5-100 1 - 100 Burns can be caused by the sun, fire, hot objects, hot liquids, electricity, and ___

51 5-100A 1 - 100 chemicals Select a New Category

52 5-200 What is a first degree burn?

53 Select a New Category It is a mild burn, like a sunburn or a burn from touching a hot object

54 5-300 What should you do for a first degree burn?

55 5-300A 1 - 100 Run cool water on the area and care for it like a small cut. Select a New Category

56 5-400 When should a doctor be called for a first degree burn?

57 5-400A 1 - 100 If the burn is large Select a New Category

58 5-500 What is a second degree burn?

59 5-500A 1 - 100 It affects the inner layer of the skin and causes blisters Select a New Category

60 6-100 1 - 100 What should you do to treat a second degree burn?

61 6-100A 1 - 100 Run cool water over it and apply a cold compress on the area. Cover with a sterile dressing and seek medical help. Select a New Category

62 6-200 What can an electrical shock do to the body?

63 6-200A 1 - 100 It can cause the heart to stop and cause internal and external injuries/burns Select a New Category

64 6-300 What should you do before touching someone who has experienced an electrical shock?

65 6-300A 1 - 100 Make sure he or she are no longer in contact with the electrical source Select a New Category

66 6-400 What are the 3 basic emergency action steps? (They begin with “C”)

67 6-400A 1 - 100 Select a New Category CHECK the scene and the person CALL 911 or local emergency number CARE for the person

68 6-500 What is a fracture?

69 6-500A 1 - 100 A broken or cracked bone Select a New Category


71 Name the song title and composer


73 Für Elise by Beethoven

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