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Correctors for the J-PARC Proton Beam Line Peter Wanderer BNL Superconducting Magnet Div. September 8, 2007 T2K US B280 Collaboration Mtg.

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Presentation on theme: "Correctors for the J-PARC Proton Beam Line Peter Wanderer BNL Superconducting Magnet Div. September 8, 2007 T2K US B280 Collaboration Mtg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Correctors for the J-PARC Proton Beam Line Peter Wanderer BNL Superconducting Magnet Div. September 8, 2007 T2K US B280 Collaboration Mtg.

2 600MeV Linac 3GeV PS 50GeV PS N FD Neutrino Beam Line To SK JHF NuMI (FNAL) K2K E(GeV) 50 12012 Int.(10 12 ppp ) 330 406 Rate(Hz) 0.27 0.530.45 Power(MW) 0.75 0.410.0052 JAERI@Tokai-mura (60km N.E. of KEK) 10 21 POT(130day)≡ “1 year” Use Super Con. mag. in line JHF project and neutrino beam line

3 11 February 2005T2K proton line correctors3 What’s Needed Dipole correctors: –Corrector = vertical + horizontal windings, one wound over the other –Three correctors to install + two spares –Overall Schedule: Prototype (= 1 spare) now at KEK Remaining four at JAERI by Dec. 31, 2007 –three months earlier than previously stated. –Change in schedule is due to revised estimate of installation plans

4 11 February 2005T2K proton line correctors4 Corrector Parameters - NbTi superconducting wire, 0.33 mm Ø (used for RHIC correctors) –  Bdl = 0.1 T·m; L magnetic = 522 mm –B peak = 0.2 T, B quench > 6T  Significant temperature margin for operation –I op = 43A –Inner diameter = 150 mm –Slot length = 800 mm –Located between main magnets  conduction cooling  thick-walled Cu tube

5 11 February 2005T2K proton line correctors5 Coil Winding Precision semi-automatic winding machine developed for other projects.

6 11 February 2005T2K proton line correctors6 Test Results of Prototype 4.5 K, liquid helium Test coil only (yoke added by KEK) Test to ± 90A to obtain same field as will be produced at 43A with yoke on. Reached 90A without quenching  excellent performance. Measure integral fields, field uniformity across aperture  ok

7 11 February 2005T2K proton line correctors7 Cost Cost basis: –Prototype construction –Construction of similar magnets for HERA collider at DESY and BEPC upgrade Correctors – four - production, testing, shipment to Japan: $500k –Includes 13% contingency, all overheads.

8 11 February 2005T2K proton line correctors8 Progress Report “Early” (i.e., “just in time”) start made possible by Stony Brook: –Copper forgings (cylindrical support tubes) ordered by Stony Brook 1 forging rec’d by BNL, machining starts Monday 4 forgings shipped to BNL yesterday –$120k advance funding to BNL from Stony Brook Research Foundation –Thanks to Chang Kee and Joan!

9 11 February 2005T2K proton line correctors9 “Just in time” Technical: BNL has two automatic winding machines (not identical) –Had planned to use just one –Will use both to meet schedule Financial: “no delays due to $”  –Advance for remainder of budget (DOE requires “no working ahead of funding”) –Prompt billing by BNL –Prompt payment by Stony Brook/NY state

10 11 February 2005T2K proton line correctors10 Forging in BNL Lathe

11 11 February 2005T2K proton line correctors11 Cost status Forgings –Estimated @ $3k each  $15k total –Actual cost $28k BNL machine shop costs –Increased from $90/hr to $115/hr

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