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Six Dimensions of Wellness Created by May Smith. Objectives Define and discuss the six different domains of Wellness Identify different ways to try out.

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Presentation on theme: "Six Dimensions of Wellness Created by May Smith. Objectives Define and discuss the six different domains of Wellness Identify different ways to try out."— Presentation transcript:

1 Six Dimensions of Wellness Created by May Smith

2 Objectives Define and discuss the six different domains of Wellness Identify different ways to try out the domains of wellness Identifying the domains of wellness in yourself Initiating plans to support your own wellness

3 What are the different types of Wellness? Emotional Spiritual Physical Social Intellectual Occupational/Environmental

4 The Wellness Wheel Wellness Wheel [web graphic] Retrieved from

5 Spiritual Occupational SocialIntellectual Physical Emotional

6 Wellness Self-Assessment Activity Adapted from Balancing Your Wellness by Jennifer Kennymore, MPH, CHES, Health Educator of Wellness Services, NWMissouri Divide each color section into three parts Listen to each statement as its read out loud Fill in the corresponding pie-shaped section of the wheel to the degree you are achieving this For Example: “I eat a balanced nutritional diet” If you feel you do this all the time, fill in all of section 1. If you feel you only do it about ½ the time, fill in 50% of the section. If you only do it occasionally, fill in 10%. Color in what you feel represents you accurately. Instructions:

7 Spiritual (Red) Principles/Ethics/Morals provide guides for my life I practice meditation, pray, or engage in some type of growth practice. I have a general sense of serenity.

8 Occupational (Bright Yellow) What I am doing with work/school has purpose I have a balance between work/school and other areas of my life. I am responsible with my money

9 Social (Bright Green) I am able to resolve conflicts in all areas of my life. I have a sense of belonging/not being isolated. I am aware of and able to set/respect my own and other peoples boundaries.

10 Intellectual (Light Blue) I pursue mentally stimulating interests or hobbies. I have positive thoughts and a low degree of negativity/cynicism I commit time and energy to both educational development and self- development.

11 Physical Assessment (Dark Blue) I eat a balanced nutritional diet I exercise at least 3 times per week I am generally free from illness

12 Emotional (Purple) I am able to feel and label my emotions. I express myself appropriately. I am able to comfort or console myself when I am troubled

13 Spirit: Emotional Wellness Emotional Wellness Possessing the ability to recognize and express emotions appropriately. Traits include: Self-Esteem Self-Acceptance Optimism Ability to cope with negative emotions Stress Reduction How to Exercise Emotional Health Practice meditation or yoga Keep a journal of positive thoughts and daily emotions Try breathing exercises when under stress or experiencing negative emotions. Provide emotional support to others

14 Spirit: Spiritual Wellness Spiritual Wellness Possessing a set of guiding beliefs, principles, or values that help give direction to a persons actions and life. Traits include: Seeking meaning Finding purpose in human existence The appreciation of things not easily explained or out of your direct control How to Exercise Spiritual Health Be curious about life Meditate regularly and spend time alone with your thoughts Be fully present in all that you do

15 Body: Physical Wellness Physical Wellness A variety of healthy habits Traits include: Proper nutrition Adequate Exercise Abstaining from harmful substances How to Exercise Physical Health Exercise daily Get Adequate Rest Practice Moderation Eat a variety of healthy foods

16 Body: Social Wellness Social Wellness The ability to interact successfully with others and balance the demands of personal roles. Traits Respect for others and yourself Contributing to your community Developing a sense of belonging How to Exercise Social Health Surround yourself with positive people Get involved with your community Contribute to a cause you care about Share you talents and skills Practice being an effective communicator of thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

17 Mind: Occupational Wellness Occupational Wellness Using your skills, gifts, and talents in order to gain purpose, happiness, and enrichment of life. Traits Involvement in activities that are rewarding Commitment to a lifestyle that is satisfying and filled with purpose How to Exercise Occupational Health Explore a variety of career options Be open to change Learn new skills Focus on being fulfilled in your career

18 Mind: Intellectual Wellness Intellectual Wellness The ability to make sound decisions and to think critically Traits Stimulating mental activity Encouraging creativity How to Exercise Intellectual Health Take a course on something that interests you Learn a foreign language then seek out opportunities to experience the culture. Read for fun

19 References Kennymore, J. (2012). A balanced life – The wellness wheel. Balancing Your Wellness. Northwest Missouri State University Lansing Community College. (n.d.). Dimensions of Wellness. The School District of Palm Beach County

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