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An INTERREG IVC project G4GGENDER4GROWTH ♀ ♂ Presentation of the project.

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Presentation on theme: "An INTERREG IVC project G4GGENDER4GROWTH ♀ ♂ Presentation of the project."— Presentation transcript:

1 An INTERREG IVC project G4GGENDER4GROWTH ♀ ♂ Presentation of the project

2 An objective : the charter Article 27 - Economic Development 1. The Signatory recognizes that the achievement of a balanced and sustainable economic development is a vital component of a successful municipality or region, and that its activities and services in this field can contribute significantly to the advancement of equality of women and men.. 2. The Signatory recognises the need to increase the rate and quality of employment of women, and further recognises that the risk of poverty linked to long term unemployment and unpaid work is particularly high for women.. 3. The Signatory commits itself, in relation to its activities and services in the field of economic development, to take fully into account the needs and interests of women and men, and the opportunities to advance equality between them, and to take the appropriate actions to this end.

3 A path: the cooperation One of the tools of the European territorial cooperation is the INTERREG IVC programme. It’s objective is to encourage exchanges of practices between local or regional actors with the aim of improving the efficacy of the regional policies.

4 A project : Gender4Growth France… Lead partner: - The Region of Île-de-France The level of female employment: 57,7 % 55-64 years: 35,2 % ♂ ♀ La Région Île-de-France

5 Spain… Partners: - The Catalan Women Institute - The Region of the Balearic Islands The level of female employment: 53,2 % 55-64 years: 28,7 % ♂ ♀ Institut Català de les Dones Govern de les Illes Balears

6 Italy… Partner: - The Region of Veneto The level of female employment: 46,3 % 55-64 years: 21,9 % ♂ ♀ Regione del Veneto

7 Hungary… Partner: - The Regional Social Welfare Resource Center Budapest The level of female employment: 51,1 % 55-64 years: 27,1 % ♂ ♀ Budapesti Szociális Forrásközpont

8 Romania… Partner: - The County of Timiş The level of female employment: 53 % 55-64 years: 34,5 % ♂ ♀ Consiliul Judetean Timis

9 Greece… Partner: - The Research Center for Gender Equality The level of female employment: 47,4 % 55-64 years: 26,6 % ♂ ♀ KETHI - Kentro Erevnon gia Themata Isothtas

10 Sweden… Partner: - The Municipality Lidköping (in close cooperation with the Region of Västra Götaland) The level of female employment: 70,7 % 55-64 years: 66,9 % ♂ ♀ Lidköping Kommun

11 A toolbox for building better gender equality in the workplace The Nordic countries are the most "segregated" members of the 15-state EU in terms of the sectors of female employment, whereas they have the highest rates of female employment. Conversely, in Mediterranean countries, the labour markets are the least segmented and the female employment rate is the lowest (with the exception of Spain which has a highly segmented employment market. France is in an intermediary position). These differences can help, on the one hand, to increase female employment and, on the other hand, to reduce labour market segmentation and the gender pay gap. ♂ ♀

12 The project objectives Main objective: - Reinforce awareness of gender in relation to regional policies of economic development. Sub-objectives : - technical analysis of regional policies, transfer of practices; - increased involvement of politicians, institutions, and social and economic partners (from the local to European level) ‏. ♂ ♀

13 Tools 3 themes: - Entrepreneurship - Employment (including working conditions and income levels) - Access to work (including education and training) 2 strategies : - « G4G Initiative » (involvement of political, social and economic parties) ; Open to the Euro Mediteranean - « G4G price » (recognition of innovative initiatives) ‏ ♂ ♀

14 Stages 2008200920102011 CommunicationKick off of the project Veneto Conference Timisoara Conference Final Conference, in Paris Studies, analyses of regional policies, exchanges of good practices, on-site trips Workshop 1Budapest Workshop 2Athens Workshop 3Lidkoepig ♂ ♀

15 At the end of the project: An action plan in the form of: regional policy recommendations; a guide to innovative practices. Start date: September 2008 End date: June 2011 Budget : 1,689,094 €Partners: Eight. European financial aid 75% - 85%, depending on country ♂ ♀

16 Thank you for your attention ! Project contact: Vincent CALLIES + Project submitted in the first call of the INTERREG IVC programme; result expected for summer 2008. ♀ ♂

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