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Inclusion & Challenges Arab Children’s Health Congress 2010 Child Accident Prevention Moussa Charafeddine MD.

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Presentation on theme: "Inclusion & Challenges Arab Children’s Health Congress 2010 Child Accident Prevention Moussa Charafeddine MD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inclusion & Challenges Arab Children’s Health Congress 2010 Child Accident Prevention Moussa Charafeddine MD


3 Societal Platforms Historic Development of Community Towards Ideal Wellbeing for each Mutual Cooperation Religious and Civil Conventions United Nation Declarations


5 Universal Regulations Spiritual Values Islamic Ressalah, Qouran, & Sunnah Human, Women, Child’s Rights People with Disability Rights Equality & Full Participation


7 Societal Disability Criteria Cultural Development Social Development Knowledge, Technical, & Economical Efficiency of Civil NGOs Efficiency of Disabled & Families Definitions /Stigmata


9 CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES (CWDs)  Who are they?  What are their issues and concerns?

10 15 Million children with disabilities more boys than girls 1:5 children in 0 – 6 age bracket has some form of disability 10 – 14 age group has the highest prevalence rate most common forms of impairment are Motor and Intellectual impairment more than half are acquired and can be prevented ACCD Children with Disabilities

11 UN Committee on the Rights of the Child Concluding Observations concerned about the de facto discrimination faced by CWDs and their invisible role in society inadequate implementation of the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons many CWDs live in poverty and access to social and health services and education is limited. need to collect statistical data on CWDs Data source: UN CRC

12 Extend of equality Terms: ethnicity, Gender, Normalcy Disabled Have Social Entity They are entitled as other They have Special Needs too Rights & Obligations


14 Impact of Disability Needs & Demands Services Needs & Services Reverse Proportion

15 Needs & Demands Physical, Medical, Psychological Familial Educational Vocational Training, Employment ٍ Social, housing, Independent


17 A Child-Friendly Child-Sensitive Society


19 Being WELL Physically, Psychologically Communication, Knowledge Social Interaction Sense of belonging, Security Participation & Contribution


21 Measurements Variable level of services Vital Basic Needs Theoretical Measures Practical Measures

22 -SOCIAL MODEL Basic influential Factor Stigmata, Values, Norms Proportionate to Social Image Promote or reduces RIGHTS Decisive of Life Quality



25 1975, UPAIS DPI- Disability “doe’s not mean impotence, & deprivation from social contribution & Interaction”

26 MIKE OLIVER -93Then DPI “Disabled people are victims of an imposed social image” Helin Kellers Comments

27 Universal Instructions Equality Full Participation Equal Opportunity Integration CRPD

28 DIVERSITY-II All are different all are equal Social Integration Components Individual, Group, Govern. Roles Role of Disabled & Family Coordination & Monitoring

29 CBR WHO ILO UNESCO Social Policies

30 MDG Almata WHO 1987 Equal Opport-194ILO- Thialand, Salamanka I.FA Inclusive Education

31 Integration/Inclusion ِApplication NORMALIZATION - MAINSTREEAMING - INCLUSION Variable levels on the Ground

32 Inclusion Platforms Educational Rehabilitation Vocational Social

33 Suitability Criteria Theoretical Practical Sustainability

34 Stake Holders Commitment to Conventions Willingness to Change Flexibility of the Social Policies Availability of Believes and Visions Availability of tools & Instruments

35 DEVELOPMENTAL Financial Resources Technical Availability Democracy Gender Equality

36 Arab Development Index Arab World is wealthier than developed. Wide range of Economical Development 1999 Arab GDP are less than Spain Translated books in century<Year-Spain Investments of foreign funds<Year- Singapore 15% unemployment rate. 25% in 2010 Low levels of Inequality

37 The Deficits in Arab World Bureauc. constraints-Freedom Lowest women Participation. Research Development is less than 1/7 th of Average

38 Globalization vs Inclusion Instructions, & Recipes Variable Dosage Inclusion, & Globalization must not CRIPL Basic Needs- Knowledge, Means. Without such factors no sustainable development

39 Sustainability CRPD Ratification Wealth, & Social Contribution Prevalence of Legislation Generations of trained CWDisablity Change of Norms and Attitudes Regaining of Islamic & Arab Heritage


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