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4 th Workshop for TAO and CIAO July 16, 2004 MOF-Compliant Modeling of Middleware Jeff Parsons & Matt Emerson ISIS Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN.

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Presentation on theme: "4 th Workshop for TAO and CIAO July 16, 2004 MOF-Compliant Modeling of Middleware Jeff Parsons & Matt Emerson ISIS Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 th Workshop for TAO and CIAO July 16, 2004 MOF-Compliant Modeling of Middleware Jeff Parsons & Matt Emerson ISIS Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN

2 Jeff Parsons & Matt Emerson MOF-Compliant Modeling of Middleware 2 What’s MOF? OMG defines the Meta Object Facility (MOF) as An abstract language A framework for technology-neutral metamodels Intended uses Software development Type management (repository) Information management Data warehouse management

3 Jeff Parsons & Matt Emerson MOF-Compliant Modeling of Middleware 3 Why MOF-Compliant? Platform-independent No tie to one vendor Easier vendor migration. Model storage Model reuse Import/export with other modeling tools

4 Jeff Parsons & Matt Emerson MOF-Compliant Modeling of Middleware 4 MOF Historical Context Before MOF 1.4: Modeling language for distributed middleware systems CORBA-centric Could represent all datatypes from CORBA 2.1 onward Included TypeCode and Any to model datatypes and values. IDL mapping for the automatic generation of program artifacts. MOF 1.4: OMG standard metamodeling language Not CORBA-centric Includes minimal set of technology neutral modeling concepts. No direct analogues to CCM concepts. IDL mapping now strictly to manage MOF (meta-)models.

5 Jeff Parsons & Matt Emerson MOF-Compliant Modeling of Middleware 5 Canonical Layers of Abstraction meta-metamodel (self-descriptive) metamodel model implementation (source code, data, simulation) M3 layer M2 layer M1 layer M0 layer

6 Jeff Parsons & Matt Emerson MOF-Compliant Modeling of Middleware 6 GME-MOF: A GME Metamodeling Environment 1.Provided GME-MOF metamodel written using MetaGME. 2.Using GME-MOF, write models that represent some domain. 3.Using translator, transform domain-specific models (DSMs) into (MOF-compliant) domain- specific modeling languages (DSMLs). 4.Using DSMLs, write models that represent systems in the domain. Future Work: XMI translation tools MOF counterpart to MetaGME M3 M2 M1 MetaGME GME-MOF DSM DSML Translator DSM pre-existing by Matt Emersonhand-written generated DSML MOF

7 Jeff Parsons & Matt Emerson MOF-Compliant Modeling of Middleware 7 Interface Definition Modeling Language (IDML) Platform independent, models components and all associated types. Part of Platform Independent Component Modeling Language (PICML). PICML is part of the CoSMIC tool suite.

8 Jeff Parsons & Matt Emerson MOF-Compliant Modeling of Middleware 8 IDL Importer Modular TAO IDL compiler. Create pluggable back end. Existing front end validates/parses IDL files. New back end generates project in XML format. Import into GME - For further development. For translation to non- CORBA middleware. IDL XML Java (EJB) Modified IDL Compiler Import into GME Generate app. code Modify Model IDL

9 Jeff Parsons & Matt Emerson MOF-Compliant Modeling of Middleware 9 Future Work metaGME Modeling Environment IDL GME Model Repository meta-I I to be writtenexistsgenerated Modeling Environment IDL Java MOF Model Repository ….. I I I I interpreter / translator IDL First step: prototype using GME Next step: decoupling from GME MOF Abstract Mapping (IDL) MOF->IDL Repository IDL inherit implement I I Java I IDML to date

10 Jeff Parsons & Matt Emerson MOF-Compliant Modeling of Middleware 10 Extra Slides

11 Jeff Parsons & Matt Emerson MOF-Compliant Modeling of Middleware 11 Approach to Modeling Middleware (1 of 2) Context: Selecting metamodel elements. Problem: What will be best translatable to (platform- specific) models and to generated code? Forces: Using intersection (only common features) - Restricts developers. Excludes many existing applications. BD C AE middleware x model B A x application D E y application middleware y

12 Jeff Parsons & Matt Emerson MOF-Compliant Modeling of Middleware 12 Approach to Modeling Middleware (2 of 2) Solution: Use union of common middleware features. CORBA Component Model (CCM) subsumes Enterprise Java Beans (EJB). Need more complicated mapping for translation to EJB. CCM EJB Model CCM Interface Definition Language (IDL) EJB Classes and Deployment Descriptor

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