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Marin Mersenne 1588 – 1648 Marin Mersenne 1588 – 1648 Marin Mersenne was a French monk who is best known for his role as a clearing house for correspondence.

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Presentation on theme: "Marin Mersenne 1588 – 1648 Marin Mersenne 1588 – 1648 Marin Mersenne was a French monk who is best known for his role as a clearing house for correspondence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marin Mersenne 1588 – 1648 Marin Mersenne 1588 – 1648 Marin Mersenne was a French monk who is best known for his role as a clearing house for correspondence between eminent philosophers and scientists and for his work in number theory. Marin Mersenne was a French monk who is best known for his role as a clearing house for correspondence between eminent philosophers and scientists and for his work in number theory.



4 Velocity is the first derivative of position.

5 Example 1: Free Fall Equation Gravitational Constants: Speed is the absolute value of velocity. Start Here

6 Acceleration is the derivative of velocity. Example: If distance is in: Velocity would be in: Acceleration would be in:

7 It is important to understand the relationship between velocity, acceleration and the behavior of the particle. Velocity Acceleration Behavior of Particle Positive Speeding Up PositiveNegativeSlowing Down NegativePositiveSlowing Down Negative Speeding Up ZeroPositive or NegativeStopped Positive or NegativeZeroConstant Speed

8 Example 1:









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