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Announcements 11/28/12 Prayer Exam 3 going on through tomorrow (T.C. closes at 4 pm) Project Show & Tell winners: a. a.Cade & Seth – musical cadences b.

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Presentation on theme: "Announcements 11/28/12 Prayer Exam 3 going on through tomorrow (T.C. closes at 4 pm) Project Show & Tell winners: a. a.Cade & Seth – musical cadences b."— Presentation transcript:

1 Announcements 11/28/12 Prayer Exam 3 going on through tomorrow (T.C. closes at 4 pm) Project Show & Tell winners: a. a.Cade & Seth – musical cadences b. b.Tess & Brigham - pvc instrument c. c.Tyler - sonoluminescence d. d.Ryan Peterson - particle collision simulator e. e.Konrie, Dallin, Hsin Ping – hot air balloon Review: Lorentz transformation equations (can also write time on top, on both sides, since matrix is symmetric)

2 Frank & Ernest Rate the Tutorial Lab TAs (with photos)

3 From warmup Extra time on? Other comments?

4 Lee’s Lorentz program, again Demonstrating space contraction

5 Quick Writing Lee is standing on a train going past Cathy (on the ground) at +0.5 c. John is also on the train, running past Lee at +0.5 c (relative to Lee). a. a.Draw a space-time diagram from Lee’s point of view. b. b.Draw a space-time diagram from Cathy’s point of view (roughly). a. a.What is slope of John’s worldline, in Cathy’s point of view? b. b.What is velocity of John with respect to Cathy?

6 Velocity transformations General formula, derived using that same approach: Compare to “Galilean”: “1-3” = “of object 1 with respect to object 3” or “of object 1 as measured by object 3” Use this instead of book eqns 39.16 and 39.18. Far simpler; works every time! Caution: terms are sometimes negative. (Don’t need to know transverse velocity formula, eqn 39.17.)

7 From warmup [Dr. Colton on a train, class on ground.] Suppose I throw the ball at 0.5 c. What speed does the class observe the ball to travel at when the train is moving at 0.01c? 0.50c? 0.99c? (Give 4 sig figs.) What do these answers teach you? a. a. 0.01c  0.5075c (compare to 0.51c) b. b. 0.50c  0.8000c (compare to 1.00c) c. c. 0.99c  0.9967c (compare to 1.49c) For situations with small velocities, the answers are close to what Newton would predict. For situations with large velocities, the answer is always limited by the speed of light.

8 Class-designed problem Emily is moving at ___ c relative to Joshua. David is moving at ___ c relative to Joshua. What is Emily’s speed in David’s reference frame?

9 Worked problem Four “simultaneous” events: viewed by Earth, (x, ct) = … a. a.(0.5, 2) b. b.(0, 2) c. c.(-1, 2) d. d.(-2, 2) Dr. Colton’s rocket comes by, going 0.5 c in the positive x direction. Where/when does he measure these events?  = 1.1547,  = 0.5774 a = (-0.5774, 2.0207); b = (-1.1547, 2.3094); c = (-2.3094, 2.8868); d = (-3.4642, 3.4642) Lee’s program

10 Some things to notice “Linear” transformation: Lines always transform into lines! 45 degree lines always transform into 45 deg lines. a. a.Speed of light the same in all reference frames! This case: downward sloping line. There will be some points having ct=2 (Earth), that are at negative time (Colton)! As mentioned last time… – – If a point is inside the light cone for one observer (“timelike”), then it’s inside the cone for all observers. I.e. no observer can see it happen at negative time. – – If a point is outside the light cone (“spacelike”), you can always find some observer that sees it happen at a negative time. a. a.Causality & God

11 Worked Problem (on handout) Optional problem from HW 40

12 Worked Problem (on handout) Optional problem from HW 40

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