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Describing how actions are done Adverbs ending in -mente.

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2 Describing how actions are done Adverbs ending in -mente

3 What is an adverb of manner? An adverb of manner is a word that describes how an action is done. Is there an adverb in...? Agassi juega bien al tenis ¡Correcto!: bien is telling us how Agassi plays tennis.

4 These adverbs are usually formed in Spanish by adding -mente to the singular form of the adjective. fácilfácilmente (easily) pacientepacientemente (patiently) normalnormalmente (normally) puntualpuntualmente (punctually) egoístaegoístamente (egotistically)

5 If the adjective ends in -o, -mente is added to the feminine form. rápidorápidamente (rapidly) lentolentamente (slowly) serioseriamente (seriously)

6 Therefore, these adverbs are formed by adding -mente to the Fem. Sg. form of the Adj.

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