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First Europeans in Canada Canadian History Grade 11 1.

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1 First Europeans in Canada Canadian History Grade 11 1

2 The Vikings Date – 1000 CE (Common Era) Proof – Landing on the shores of North America exists in Norse legends or sagas, a few vague references in other ancient text, and most importantly, in archaeological evidence. Evidence: i. The Vinland Map Is said to be a 15 th century map depicting Vikings exploration of N.A. centuries before Columbus. If genuine, the map is one of the great documents of Western Civilization, if fake, it’s an astonishingly clever forgery. 2

3 Evidence cont… ii. L’Anse aux Meadows In 1960, the remains of an ancient settlement was found on the tip of the Great Northern Peninsulas of Newfoundland. Near the fishing village of L’Anse aux Meadows, in a grassy meadow, the ruins of eight walled structures were uncovered after years of excavation. These structures were similar to those built by the Norse Vikings in Iceland and Greenland. Historica Minute 3

4 2) John Cabot (Giovanni Caboto) (1450-1499) Italian, but sailed for England (blessing of King Henry VII) Developed a theory that Asia could be reached by sailing West. Sailed in 1497 (5 years after Christopher Columbus) with an 18-man crew. **Credit for – “Discovering” Cape Breton and Labrador Region Claimed these regions for England COD!!! 4

5 John Cabot Cont… Told stories of codfish so thick in waters off of these “Newe Found Isles” that they could be scooped up in baskets let down from the side of his ship. This news, was met with great enthusiasm all over Europe, where Catholics abstained from eating meat for more than 160 days a year. Therefore fish was always in great demand! *** This resulted in a steady stream of Europeans to the shores of Newfoundland for fish and eventually settlement! Historica Minute Heritage Radio minute 5

6 3) Jacques Cartier (1491-1557) French and sailed for France. 1534: sailed to find the North-West Passage to China. *** Credits: “Discovering” Gulf of St. Lawrence, PEI, New Brunswick, Stadacona (*Quebec City) and Hochelaga (Montreal). Responsible for French Land Claims in North America. His written accounts provided the first European Commentary about the Mi’kmaq and arrived in the area in 1603, the Iroquois has completely vanished. Depended upon Iroquois for guides. He entered the Iroquois territory of Stadacona (now Quebec City) and mistakenly named their country “Canada” (which actually means “The Village”) 6 Historica Minute Heritiage Radio Minute

7 Samuel de Champlain (Sammy the Champ!) (circa ~1567-1635) French and sailed for France. In 1603 made the first of 10 voyages across the Atlantic. Was a mapmaker and explorer. Responsible for the establishment of the FIRST PERMANENT SETTLEMENT in Canada. Named it “New France” Died in 1635 7

8 Samuel de Champlain In 1604 sailed under the command of Pierre Du Gua de Monts. And established a settlement in Port Royal (Bay of Fundy). Returned in a voyage in 1608. 1609, to secure an alliance with the Algonquin and Montagnais (Huron) tribes, Champlain aided them in warfare with the Iroquois. Champlain himself killed two Iroquois Chiefs from point blank range with a musket! Though the Iroquois were afraid at the time, Champlain’s actions would create a fierce war with the Iroquois that would last for the next 60 years of New France’s existence. Well into the 1660’s. By 1626 the population of New France was only 60 ppl (mostly men = fur trade) - slow growth and poor protection were the two major problems of New France at the time 8

9 Sammy the Champs Historical Achievements Champlain established Quebec, which is seen as the beginning of New France. Was given the title “Father of New France” due to this. Champlain promoted colonization through books, maps and drawings. His vision of a permanent French settlement in North America is still realized today in the form of the province of Quebec. (Historical Significance!) 9

10 Routes of the Three Explorers 10

11 History of (your country) Make a timeline of the important historical events of your country or province. Name of Event 1 Name of Event 2 Name of Event 3 Name of Event 4 Name of Event 5 Name of Event 6 Name of Event 7 Name of Event 8 1st Date2nd Date3rd Date4th Date5th Date6th Date7th Date8th Date Description of Event 11

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