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End of War in Europe SIN #24 SWBAT: Analyze the effect of WWII on Europe. Skim pages 609-614. -Battle of the Bulge (why was it significant?): -V-E day.

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Presentation on theme: "End of War in Europe SIN #24 SWBAT: Analyze the effect of WWII on Europe. Skim pages 609-614. -Battle of the Bulge (why was it significant?): -V-E day."— Presentation transcript:

1 End of War in Europe SIN #24 SWBAT: Analyze the effect of WWII on Europe. Skim pages 609-614. -Battle of the Bulge (why was it significant?): -V-E day (definition): -What happens to Hitler? -Death Charts (leave space for info): -Truman (who?): -Napalm (what is it? How is it used?): -Unconditional surrender (what does this mean for Japan?)

2 Battle of the Bulge- Dec 1944 Last German offensive attack, fought in middle of winter German troops were bulging outward Allies won, Germany begins retreat

3 V-E day Victory in Europe day, end of war in Europe (May 8, 1945) Hitler commits suicide in bunker rather then be caught by Allies

4 Death charts pg 611 Which country had the most military deaths? Which country had the most civilian deaths? Why did more civilians die in WWII then WWI?

5 Truman US president after FDR FDR dies at beginning of his 4 th term, Truman as vice pres. takes over Decides to drop atomic bombs on Japan

6 napalm Jellied gasoline, flammable, used in bombs When bomb exploded, fired jelly would go everywhere and catch things on fire Used on Japanese factories and later in Vietnam

7 Unconditional surrender US needed Japan to have no input in how their country would be run after the war Seen as payback for Pearl Harbor Japan refused to give up, though defeat was inevitable Caused war in Pacific to last longer Truman realized may need to force Japan to do so

8 Guided Reading Sec 4 & 5 SIN #24 cont- Sec 5 is extra credit towards notebook check Friday Notebook check #1-25: due Friday (100 points) Ch 12 quiz Thursday (definitions + crossword due)

9 Gbkvu8o v-e day Gbkvu8o GpHgsk battle of the bulge GpHgsk

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