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Role of climate on grape characteristics of Moscato bianco in Piedmont (Italy)

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1 Role of climate on grape characteristics of Moscato bianco in Piedmont (Italy)

2 RESEARCH GROUP S. Orlandini, M. Moriondo Dipartimento di Scienze Agronomiche e Gestione del Territorio Agroforestale, Università degli Studi di Firenze M. Mancini Centro Studi per lApplicazione dellInformatica in Agricoltura – Accademia dei Georgofili, Firenze F. Spanna, G. Cressano, S. Dolzan Settore Fitosanitario della Regione Piemonte, Torino A. Schubert, C. Lovisolo Dipartimento Colture Arboree dellUniversità degli Studi di Torino M. De Marziis 3A s.r.l., Torino Daniele Della Valle, Gabriella Sanlorenzo, Maurizio Gily Vignaioli Piemontesi – Castagnito (CN)

3 Materials and methods 1.Acquisition of cartographic base at 1:25.000 scale of Moscato dAsti area 2.Acquisition of all information layers, not already available, necessary for analysis and data processing (boundaries, rivers, main localities) 3.Land digital model to produce information layers concerning topographical and geographical characteristics of the territory Elevation Slope Exposure

4 Historical climatic investigation 23 stations Data from the net of Hydrographic National Service - Hydrographic Office of Po river Daily recording of: Total precipitations Minimum, maximum, daily average temperature

5 Bioclimatic indexes 24 stations from 1999 to 2001 Active temperatures summation (STA) Thermal excursions summation (SET) Huglin index Number of rainy days Effective rain summation Spring frost risk Beginning of vegetation season Lenght of vegetative period

6 Phenological and grape quality parameters 30 vineyards differents for exposure, elevation, slope, distance from the valley bottom

7 Phenological indexes Date of budbreak Phase 07 of BBCH Phase C of Baggiolini Date of bloom 50% full bloom Date of veraison must with 10° Babo

8 Grape quality indexes Potential alcohol Total acidity pH Samplings made on August 22 th, August 29 th, September 5 th of every year (1999-2001)

9 Creation of thematic maps 1.Finding maps on the scale of 1:25.000 of Moscato dAsti area 2.Digitalization and acquisition of all the informative layers (level curves, borders, rivers, towns) 3.Creation of the digital model of the ground, by which the informative layers concerning the topographic and geographic characteristics of the territory have been produced (elevation, slope, exposure) Territorial analysis

10 GENERATION OF THE DIGITAL MODEL OF THE GROUND the digital model of the ground which comes from the elaboration can be georeferred according to the UTM system the elaborated image is returned in raster form Pixel of 75 x 75 m Grid units of 5625 m 2 450.776 pixels cells of dimensions lower than 75*75 m would not increase the detail but the mistake of the information itself

11 THE SPATIALIZATION OF THE BIOCLIMATIC AND THE QUALITY/PHENOLOGY DATA the values of the bioclimatic indexes and phenological/qualitative are only representative of a limited area. the extent of the data to the whole surface can be made with a spatial interpolation proceeding MULTIREGRESSIVE METHOD

12 the regressions have been selected on the basis of the correlation (R 2 ) and significance coefficient Bioclimatic Indexes the regressions have been used with geomorphological parameters like latitude, longitude, elevation, exposure, slope Phenologic/Qualitative Indexes geomorphological parameters and bioclimatic indexes MULTIREGRESSIVE METHOD

13 R2, F, and variables used for bioclimatic indexes R2, F, and variables used for phenology parameters R2, F, and variables used for quality parameters

14 Elevation map in Moscato dAsti production area

15 Exposure in Moscato dAsti production area

16 Slope in Moscato dAsti production area

17 Sum of the active temperatures 1997-2001

18 Huglin Index map 1997-2001

19 Sum of daily thermal excursions 1997-2001

20 Total annual precipitations 1992- 2000

21 Number of rainy days 1997-2001

22 Sum of effective rain April - September 1997-2001

23 Beginning of vegetative season index 1997 - 2001

24 Spring frost risk map 1997 – 2001

25 Lenght of the vegetative season 1997 - 2001

26 Budbreak map Ultima settimana marzo Prima settimana aprile Seconda settimana aprile Terza settimana aprile

27 Bloom date Ultima settimana maggio Prima settimana giugno Terza settimana giugno Seconda settimana giugno

28 Veraison map Ultima settimana di luglio Prima settimana di agosto Seconda settimana agosto Terza settimana agosto

29 Total acidity at August 22 th

30 Total acidity at August 29 th

31 Total acidity at September 5 th

32 Potential alcohol at August 22 th

33 Potential alcohol at August 29 th

34 Potential alcohol at September 5 th

35 pH at August 22 th

36 pH at August 29 th

37 pH at September 5 th

38 The cartography display (scale 1:25.000) of different parameters allows to zone the Moscato dAsti production area in 3 sub-zones exposure, elevation, climate, bioclimatic indexes, phenological phases, must parameters (alcohol, acidity, pH) early zone late zone intermediate zone with more or less earliness

39 Ripeness LATE RIPENESS EARLY RIPENESS ZONES WITH INTERMEDIATE RIPENESS Coazzolo, Castagnole, Mombaruzzo Acqui, Neive, Strevi S.Stefano Belbo, Serralunga

40 CONCLUSIONS 1. The thematic maps obtained could be used to plan agronomic and vine growing strategies. Knowledge of expected phenological dates and of potential qualitative indexes can allow to plan vintage time.

41 CONCLUSIONS 2. The budbreak, bloom, veraison phases have taken place in a range of 10 to 20 days or more in different zones.

42 CONCLUSIONS 3. In the same zones where we have seen lower values of bioclimatic indexes, phenological phases were posticipated and potential alcohol decreased. At the same time, acidity increased and pH decreased, showing a clear ripening delay.

43 Grapes located in the northern zone of the production area with higher thermal summations, lower elevation, lower slope ripen earlier than vines of the southern zone with lower thermal summation, higher elevation, higher slope CONCLUSIONS

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