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SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity – PM#25 1/20 Level 2 Ocean Salinity 16-17 May 2013 A3TEC.

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Presentation on theme: "SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity – PM#25 1/20 Level 2 Ocean Salinity 16-17 May 2013 A3TEC."— Presentation transcript:

1 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity – PM#25 1/20 Level 2 Ocean Salinity 16-17 May 2013 A3TEC

2 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity – PM#25 2/20 TEC from Stokes 3 Apply OTT, perform outlier detection, un-apply OTT: only use good TB Select A3 measurements with high incidence angles close to the track eg -0.025 < xi < 0.025 and 0.15 < eta < 0.2 Compute latitude where line of sight cross altitude of 450 km Estimate TEC for each A3 value using the forward model & L1c TEC as prior Use a latitudinal slippery window to detect & remove A3 TEC outliers, estimate mean & error by latitude

3 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity – PM#25 3/20 Status Algorithm specified, breadboard in Matlab cross-verified with v610 implementation A3TEC used to generate OTT (via AUX_DTBXY), and for retrievals computed AUX_DTBXY deltaTBs are for future OTT generation OS retrievals use pre-computed OTT and TEC derived from current orbit Tests performed with descending and ascending orbits Open questions How to handle cross-track TEC variation? Why do we need to retrieve TEC in the main convergence loop after retrieving A3TEC? What should the prior error be for main loop TEC retrieval? Test plan Process one month (May 2011?) and verify improvements using Argo/ISAS Perform in parallel to OTTPP verification TEC from Stokes 3

4 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity – PM#25 4/20 apply measurement selection if computing deltaTBs for AUX_DTBXY/OTTPP//eg ROI = South Pacific if computing TEC from Stokes3//AUX_CNFOSF switch_a3tec retrieve TEC & OTT deltaTBs using Stokes3 //do not apply AUX_OTTxF compute A3TEC at 450 km, interpolate & compute Faraday rotation for model = 1 to 3 compute deltaTBs write AUX_DTBXY if computing TEC from Stokes3//AUX_CNFOSF switch_a3tec apply model 1 OTTs retrieve TEC using Stokes3//do not retrieve OTT at the same time un-apply model 1 OTTs compute A3TEC at 450 km, interpolate & compute Faraday rotation compute forward model 1 BTs apply measurement selection L2OS implementation algorithm

5 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity – PM#25 5/20 Descending orbit, high TEC gradient Cross-verification between Matlab breadboard & v610: delta = breadboard – v610 L1PP v600 20110505T040402 tecu latitude L1cTEC & A3TEC

6 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity – PM#25 6/20 Descending orbit, high TEC gradient L1PP v600 20110505T040402 Faraday rotation angle Latitude Faraday rotation per measurement along track (±0.2 in xi) for a single snapshot (ID 79013123) where there is a large difference (up to 30 tecu) between L1cTEC and A3TEC: delta up to 8 degrees.

7 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity – PM#25 7/20 Descending orbit, high TEC gradient A3TECL1cTEC L1PP v600 20110505T040402

8 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity – PM#25 8/20 Descending orbit, high TEC gradient A3TECL1cTEC L1PP v600 20110505T040402 large difference (up to 5 K at large incidence angles)

9 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity – PM#25 9/20 A3TEC minus L1cTEC Sensitivity to TEC: left/right sign change explains HH/VV sign change Stokes 3 & 4 HH & VV

10 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity – PM#25 10/20 Descending orbit, high TEC gradient Target to sat zenith angle delta TB (K) Target to sat zenith angle 20110505T040402 GPID 9189693 (-14.7, 161.5) (xi 0.001, eta -0.4 to +0.3) Forward model with A3TEC closer to L1c TBs than the model using L1cTEC at high incidence angles (as expected), in H pol & Stokes 3

11 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity – PM#25 11/20 Ascending orbit Ascending orbit with low TEC & low TEC gradient – noisy A3 TEC retrieval, but good match with L1c L1PP v600 20100802T153815 tecu latitude L1cTEC & A3TEC

12 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity – PM#25 12/20 Impact on salinity L1c TEC SSS1 & A3TECSSS1 & L1cTECdelta = A3TEC – L1cTEC L1OP v504 20110501T000016: high TEC gradient

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