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BWC Public Affairs Office: BWC Command Meeting 11MAY13.

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Presentation on theme: "BWC Public Affairs Office: BWC Command Meeting 11MAY13."— Presentation transcript:

1 BWC Public Affairs Office: BWC Command Meeting 11MAY13

2 Public Affairs Office Status Agenda What we’re covering today: -General Overview of PAO AORs -BWC PAO Initiatives -BWC Brand Project -External Marketing Activities -Speedball -Promotional Vehicle -PGI Filming -RSI Media Event -Internal Marketing Activities -PTGB Charity Brand -BWC Gear Store -IgnitionDeck -Current and Projected Staffing -BWC Con and Industry Event Participation -PAX Prime -SOE Live -Dragon Con -BWC Veterans in Gaming Panel Submission Status -PAO Q1 Budget -Summary and Future Needs

3 General Overview of PAO Areas of Responsibility Internal AORs Front Page WP Content WP Production WP Artwork BWC Game Division Recruiting BWC Podcast BWC Social Media BWC Twitch TV BWC Event Broadcasting BWC Gear Store BWC Pixel Warriors Front Page WP Content WP Production WP Artwork BWC Game Division Recruiting BWC Podcast BWC Social Media BWC Twitch TV BWC Event Broadcasting BWC Gear Store BWC Pixel Warriors BWC Brand Stewardship MarComm Strategy BWC Physical Collateral Industry Outreach Campaigns Teams & Sponsorships Play To Give Back Charity BWC Co-Branded Events BWC Service Offerings Public Speaking, Filming & Media Event Engagements BWC Brand Stewardship MarComm Strategy BWC Physical Collateral Industry Outreach Campaigns Teams & Sponsorships Play To Give Back Charity BWC Co-Branded Events BWC Service Offerings Public Speaking, Filming & Media Event Engagements External AORs

4 PAO Initiatives: Brand Project These BWC primary marks are being established as our Core Brand. Specific Brand Stewardship criteria is being drafted and a BWC Style-Guide is in production for inclusion in the BWC Wiki. These marks are currently being donated by the 2 IP holders for the exclusive use of BWC in pursuit of BWC’s stated missions, goals and engagements only. These marks are a collaborative effort between the 2 IP holders. They grant BWC an open-ended license to use these core marks with no expectation of royalties, compensation or other financial consideration from BWC given the marks remain under and are protected by effective Stewardship that continues to benefit BWC as a sustainable gaming and game industry entity.

5 PAO Initiatives: External Marketing BWC Speedball Team BWC Promotional Vehicle PGI Trailer Filming RSI Media Event

6 PAO Initiatives: Internal Marketing Play To Give Back Charity Brand BWC Gear Store IgnitionDeck

7 Gear Design Public Affairs Officer Deputy Public Affairs Officer PAO NCOIC Features & Events Editor PS2 Editor MWO Editor SC Editor Features & Events Editor PS2 Editor MWO Editor SC Editor PAO Media Officer Front Page Technician Podcast Producer Podcast Producer BWC Team Sponsorships MarComm Strategy Industry Outreach BWC Brand Stewardship Co-Branded Events BWC Services BWC Cons and Panels Play To Give Back Charity Social Media Producer BWC Non-Game External Filming & Promotional Video Production. Pixel Warrior Producer BWC All Host PS2 Host MWO Host SC Host BWC All Host PS2 Host MWO Host SC Host Industry News Twitter FaceBook Tumblr YouTube Industry News Twitter FaceBook Tumblr YouTube Internal Art Editor External Art Editor Front Page Art Editor Internal Art Editor External Art Editor Front Page Art Editor BWC Physical Collateral Special Item Production BWC Gear Store Lead Recruiter PS2 Recruiters MWO Recruiters SC Recruiters PS2 Recruiters MWO Recruiters SC Recruiters BWC Event Broadcast Hosts x4 BWC Twitch Streamers x8 BWC Event Broadcast Hosts x4 BWC Twitch Streamers x8 x1x3x610+ x1 BWC Outreach Development Group PAO AOR Staff Structure BWC Product Development BWC Services Development PAO Projects Officer Updated: JUL2013 Broadcast Producer Broadcast Producer Industry Outreach, Events & Philanthropy Initiatives

8 BWC Con and Industry Event Participation PAX Prime SOE Live DragonCon

9 BWC PAX Panel Submission Veterans in Gaming: Embracing Common Ground What impact do military-themed games have on an increasing population of active duty and veteran gamers? How are large gaming communities leveraging the experience and common frames of reference veterans provide? How is this growing segment of dedicated players impacting game and community development? How are veteran-run "play to give back" charities and events changing the landscape of gaming philanthropy? Hear from both sides of the screen as we explore the unique relationships veterans have with the game industry and discuss the impact these tight-knit communities will have in the future. Join veteran gaming community and top industry leaders as we explore these important issues and more! Panelist List: Moderator - Miki Bell, BWC Confirmed Industry - Chris Roberts, RSI Confirmed Industry - Bryan Eckman, PGI Confirmed Industry - Russ Bullock, PGI Confirmed Industry - John Smedley, SOE Answer Pending Industry - Matt Higby, SOE Answer Pending Vet Community - Brent Russel, BWC Confirmed Vet Community - Mark Christianson, ODG Confirmed

10 PAO Q1+ Budget BWC ALL Funds Expended: $200.00 Non-BWC Funds Expended:$1378.00 Projected Q2 Needs: > $300.00 PAO Expenditures Feb, March, April of 2013:

11 PAO Summary & Future Needs Transitioning To More Effective Postures Strong Structure, Processes & Staff Internal Service Model External Agency Model Evolving and Engaging BWC Brands Realistic Project Goals and Expectations Effective Project Management Status and Update Transparency Managing Moving Parts Efficiently Cost Benefit/SWOT Project and Engagement Analysis

12 PAO Status Q&A

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