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Job Shadowing General Guidelines for Students. 1.Work out with your host what you will see and do that day, based on your interests and availability.

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Presentation on theme: "Job Shadowing General Guidelines for Students. 1.Work out with your host what you will see and do that day, based on your interests and availability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Job Shadowing General Guidelines for Students

2 1.Work out with your host what you will see and do that day, based on your interests and availability. 2. Job shadowing is part of a learning process. Participants are not paid for this experience. Be respectful of your host’s time commitment. 3. Come with questions to ask the host. Preparation before the job shadowing experience:

3 Tell your host what you are interested in learning. Check with the host in advance to find out about appropriate clothes to wear, and the expected arrival and departure times. Be sure to have your camera ready, with extra batteries (just in case). Give your host a copy of the appropriate handouts, in advance, to inform them about what is expected during the Job Shadowing experience. Preparation before the job shadowing experience:

4 The Day on the Job: Show up at least 5 minutes before your job shadowing experience begins. Be mindful that different jobs observe different policies. Do your best to abide by them. Be sure to dress and act appropriately. (Watch your language!)

5 The Day on the Job: Come prepared with interview questions. Write down answers to your questions on the handouts provided. Be sure to make eye contact while conducting the interview! Take appropriate pictures for your PowerPoint presentation. Be sure to ask permission to take the pictures first!! Be a true MPSH ambassador. Enjoy the experience!

6 After your job shadowing experience: Complete the handouts and evaluation given to you by your teacher, and hand them in to your teacher by the set deadline. Write a thank you note to your host (it is always appreciated), place it in an envelope and give it to your teacher for mailing. Share your experience with your teacher and classmates. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation (including pictures and interview questions and answers) of your Job Shadowing experience. You must email your presentation to your teacher no later than one week after completion of your Job Shadowing experience.

7 The following is a basic PowerPoint example based on a Job Shadowing experience...

8 A Day with the Electricians February 13th, 2008 By Michael Kinsella

9 Where did I spend my day?

10 H.G Bartlett Electrical

11 My day begins... 8:00 am

12 I arrive at a building they are working on for Eastern Health.

13 Here is the foreman, Scott.

14 Here is a photo of the electrical control room.

15 I was given a tour of the building and explained what they were doing. Here are a few shots...

16 There were more than just electricians on the job. There were carpenters, painters, plumbers etc...

17 The computer server room. There were people there who knew all about this.

18 Here they are installing the lighting.

19 This photo was taken in the ceiling.

20 This office was finished.

21 An apprentice…

22 This device is used to make pipes.

23 The building plans. You have to learn how to read these complicated charts.

24 A close-up of the plans.

25 Here I am on a ladder.

26 10:30 am – breaktime!


28 How long have you been working as an electrician?

29 What qualifications are required for the job? High school Four years of training (eg. CONA) 7600 hours as an apprentice

30 What subjects are important? MathPhysics

31 How many people work at H.G.Bartlett Electrical? 21-100 people depending on the work

32 What are the different ranks of the trade? ApprenticeJourneymanForeman Project Manager

33 What is the salary for this position? Between $11.00/hr (Apprentice) and $23.00 - $40.0/hr (Journeyman) In Alberta, it is double or triple.

34 How many hours do you work a day? 8 - 10

35 Do you have free time for family and friends? Yes

36 Why did you become an electrician? When I was young, an electrician came to the house to do some work. I was hooked. As well, I used to like taking apart toys and things and putting them back together.

37 What is the biggest stress in this job? Time! You have got to get the job done by a certain time and sometimes there just isn’t enough.

38 What gives you the greatest satisfaction? Seeing a job well done.

39 Do you use technology in your job? Yes Tools, Ohm’s Law, Meters

40 Does your job involve travel? No. But if you want to, there is always Alberta or the North.

41 Is there the possibility of a transfer? No. Only if you want to.

42 What are the job opportunities like? Tons of jobs: in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada and around the world.

43 If you could give one piece of advice to a young person wanting to enter this trade, what would it be? Be ready to do anything, not just electricity! Sometimes you can be asked to dig holes, move equipment, work outside, etc..

44 What aspect of the work do like the least? When I have to tell a good worker that we must let him or her go. You know... layoffs.

45 12:00 pm – Lunch! Tim Horton’s one more time.

46 After lunch, another electrician took me for a ride in his truck and showed me other places where they are working. Here a few photos:

47 Here is a building where they were installing offices. It is next to the airport.

48 Robin Hood Bay

49 Here they are getting a building ready for the recycling of asphalt.

50 Asphalt

51 An electrician at work.

52 The same guy.

53 Fuse box

54 4:30 pm Time to go home

55 In the end, would I like to be an electrician? Not today. If I were to start over again at age 18, perhaps so.

56 The End!

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