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The parts of a Church Service and what they mean..

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1 The parts of a Church Service and what they mean.

2 ‘We will open this service in the name of the Father, the Sone and the Holy Spirit. Amen.’ This is the introduction to the service, and is always at the start. Its done to make us remember we are in God’s presence and we are there to worship Him. Invocation

3 We sing a song to praise God, getting us into the mood. Songs also link together parts of the service, and we normally sit for the first song. During another song we also have the offering, unless it was given when people entered. ‘We will now sing a song’ Song

4 Confession/Absolution We all sin, because we are all Human and can’t help it. We confess to God in a prayer, which differs widely. Said by a Pastor/Priest (etc.) is the Absolution, reminding us that we are forgiven. ‘We will now confess our sins to God.’

5 Bible reading(s) There are normally four Bible readings in a church service. Normally there are one of each: Psalms, Old Testament, New Testament, and finally, Gospel. When reading Psalms, the Leader says one verse, and it is responsive. After that there is a song followed by the Old Testament, New Testament, then Gospel. The Gospel reading is said by the Pastor/Priest, and without a word, people stand up. ‘This is the word of the Lord.’ ‘Thanks be to God.’

6 Message/Sermon After the Bible readings there is normally a message otherwise known as a Sermon. It then continues with a song. The message teaches and reflects God’s word, its normally based off of one of the Bible readings, normally the Gospel or New testament reading, rarely it can be the Old testament reading. The song afterwards usually has the offering. ‘ We would now have the message.’

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