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Downton Abbey-Role play 我是剧中人 每周五晚 6 点 -7 点 CC 群: 81501864.

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Presentation on theme: "Downton Abbey-Role play 我是剧中人 每周五晚 6 点 -7 点 CC 群: 81501864."— Presentation transcript:

1 Downton Abbey-Role play 我是剧中人 每周五晚 6 点 -7 点 CC 群: 81501864

2 Introduction Joe Perry 桑迪潘英语明星外教,教学总监 学员公认的雅思男神!拥有英 国斯特灵大学硕士学位, TEFL 教 师资格证书。主讲雅思口语及写 作。雅思授课经验非常丰富,讲 解清晰明确,富有亲和力,循循 善诱,善于提出问题引导学员提 升英语水平。风趣,博学,而又 有亲和力,对英语教学有自己独 到的见解,深受学生欢迎。现担 任桑迪潘英语教学总监。上过 Joe 的课的学生,提分率高达 98% 以 上。

3 Scene 1: Village post office Roles: Postmaster Postmaster’s wife

4 Scene 1: Village post office A postmaster is sorting the letters with his wife when there’s a noise. They look at each other. POSTMASTER: You do it. Clearly, this is not what she wants to hear. She sits in the corner, puts on a heavy set of headphones and listens. POSTMASTER’S WIFE: Oh my God. She starts to write on a telegram form. Then she takes off the headphones as he draws near. She lets him read it. POSTMASTER: That’s impossible. It can’t be. If anything, he’s more shocked than she is.

5 Scene 1: Village post office POSTMASTER: I’ll take it up there now. POSTMASTER’S WIFE: Jimmy can do it when he comes in. POSTMASTER: Better take it now. POSTMASTER’S WIFE: Don’t be stupid. None of them will be up for hours and what difference will it make? But she sighs and shakes her head with sorrow. The credits begin.

6 Scene 2: Anna’s and Gwen’s Bedroom Roles: Daisy Gwen Anna

7 Scene 2: Anna’s and Gwen’s Bedroom There is a sharp knock on the door. DAISY: Six o’clock. GWEN: Thank you, Daisy. She looks across at the other body in the bed. GWEN: Anna? ANNA: Just once in my life, I’d like to sleep until I woke up natural. She groans and lies back, eyes closed.

8 Scene 3: Kitchen Roles: Daisy Mrs Patmore

9 Scene 3: Kitchen Daisy the scullery maid is raking out the clinker. Mrs Patmore, the cook, comes in and ties on her apron. MRS PATMORE: Is your fire still in? DAISY: Yes, Mrs Patmore. MRS PATMORE: My, my, will wonders never cease? Have you laid the servants’ hall breakfast? DAISY: Yes, Mrs Patmore. MRS PATMORE: And finished blacking that stove? DAISY: Yes, Mrs Patmore.

10 Scene 3: Kitchen MRS PATMORE: What about the bedroom fires? DAISY: All lit, Mrs Patmore. MRS PATMORE: I suppose you woke them? DAISY: I don’t think so. MRS PATMORE: Then take your basket and get started on the fires on the ground floor. Daisy gets to her feet and lifts the heavy basket.

11 Scene 3: Drawing Room Roles: Anna Daisy Gwen

12 Scene 4: Drawing Room Anna and Gwen open the curtains and shutters. Anna turns. ANNA: Daisy? Whatever are you doing there, crouching in the dark? The wretched Daisy is bent over the fire grate. DAISY: You weren’t here and I didn’t like to touch the curtains with my dirty hands. GWEN: Quite right, too. ANNA: Why didn’t you put the lights on? DAISY: I dare not.

13 Scene 4: Drawing Room GWEN: It’s electricity, not the devil’s handiwork. You’ll have to get used to it sooner or later. ANNA: At Skelton Park, they’ve even got it in the kitchens. DAISY: What for?

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