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Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World111/24/2009 Biodiversity Informatics Dave Thau.

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Presentation on theme: "Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World111/24/2009 Biodiversity Informatics Dave Thau."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World111/24/2009 Biodiversity Informatics Dave Thau

2 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World211/24/2009

3 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World311/24/2009

4 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World411/24/2009

5 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World511/24/2009 The Sixth Extinction 1.8 Million Known Species (30 M non-microbial estimated) 50,000 a year 20% currently in peril 25% extinct in 50 years 50% extinct by end of century The last extinction wiped out 75% of species It took about 10 million years to recover The Sixth Extinction by Richard Leakey and Roger Lewin (Doubleday, 1995)

6 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World611/24/2009 The Cost of Our Impact on Biodiversity

7 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World711/24/2009 WE CAN HELP!

8 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World811/24/2009 Biodiversity Informatics Applying information technology to the acquisition storage access distribution and analysis of data about organisms, populations, taxa and interactions between them

9 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World911/24/2009 Management, conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity Policy development and decision making (at local, national, regional, and global levels) Scientific monitoring of status and trends of biodiversity Biodiversity Informatics data and analyses The Science-Policy Interface From Nick King talk at TDWG, 2009

10 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World1011/24/2009 Two Key Problems Make The Data Available Make The Data Usable

11 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World1111/24/2009

12 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World1211/24/2009 Wolbachia pipientis Hertig 1936

13 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World1311/24/2009 190 Million Records 8827 Data Sets 309 Data Publishers Main issues: Getting providers to share Providing data access tools Getting data into databases

14 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World1411/24/2009

15 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World1511/24/2009 Goals: 1. Make ant data available 2.Support ant experts 3. Provide tools for ant identification Progress: 39 Curators All known species 200,000 specimens 40,000 images Data Access: Wikimedia commons Google Earth Google Maps Field Guides

16 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World1611/24/2009

17 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World1711/24/2009 LeafView iPhone

18 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World1811/24/2009 18

19 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World1911/24/2009 Digitization at Havard University Herbaria, 2009

20 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World2011/24/2009 Privacy

21 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World2111/24/2009 Quality Control

22 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World2211/24/2009 Interpret scientific data so that it is useful to the non-scientist Maintain provider-controlled data Respect intellectual property rights Provide open access to information Rules for Information Sharing

23 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World2311/24/2009 Making the Data Useful Data Standards Data Discovery Data Dissemination Data Integration

24 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World2411/24/2009

25 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World2511/24/2009 Taxonomies Change Gray 1834 Kral 1998 Chapman 1860 Adapted from R. Peet Rhynchospora plumosa Rhynchospora plumosa R.plumosa var intermedia R.plumosa var intermedia R.plumosa var plumosa R.plumosa var plumosa Rhynchospora pinetcola Rhynchospora pinetcola Rhynchospora plumosa Rhynchospora plumosa

26 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World2611/24/2009 Multiple Taxonomies Complicate Research Predicted Distribution of Anhinga melanogaster based on Clement's 4 th Edition Georeferenced observation data retrieved from The Global Biodiversity Information Facility: Distribution maps created using the GARP niche modeling algorithm embedded in a Kepler workflow. Predicted Distribution of Anhinga melanogaster based on contained in  Anhinga rufa Anhinga rufa Anhinga nova. Anhinga nova. Anhinga melanogaster Anhinga melanogaster is a  Anhinga melanogaster Anhinga melanogaster is a Articulations by Santa Barbara Software Products photo by David Behrens Clement's 5 th Edition

27 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World2711/24/2009 T1T1 TMTM T2T2 Data Integration with Multiple Taxonomies TaxonO P N P N Norwegian rat Roof rat Pack rat Allen’s wood rat TaxonOP N P Common rat House rat Pack rat D2D2 Articulations Taxonomies Attributes Observations D1D1 TaxonOP N P Allen’s wood ratN Norwegian/Common rat Roof/House rat Pack rat DMDM Merge

28 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World2811/24/2009 Big Picture Projects

29 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World2911/24/2009 SEEK - Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge

30 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World3011/24/2009

31 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World3111/24/2009 Success Stories

32 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World3211/24/2009 Influencing Policy - Invasive Species Large- and small-mouth bass introduced from N. America; predatory, huge impact on indigenous species Japanese policymakers needed to know which areas of the country are most at risk from invasion Used online N. American locality data to establish ecological niche Applied niche modeling to Japan and tested with online locality records – very high correlation. Instrumental in convincing authorities to develop Invasive Alien Species Act Iguchi, K., et al. 2004. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 133:845-854. The Japanese Diet passed its Invasive Alien Species Act in June 2004

33 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World3311/24/2009 Influencing Policy - Gene Pool Preservation Predicted change in species richness to 2050 (Andy Jarvis, 2009).

34 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World3411/24/2009 We Are Mobilizing

35 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World3511/24/2009 API/LAPI/GPI

36 Dave Thau - Mills College - Technology for a Better World3611/24/2009

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