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CS Education Research Jan Cuny. Shall we rethink the name of the field? “CS Education Research” brands us as “education” which might not thrive in CS.

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Presentation on theme: "CS Education Research Jan Cuny. Shall we rethink the name of the field? “CS Education Research” brands us as “education” which might not thrive in CS."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS Education Research Jan Cuny

2 Shall we rethink the name of the field? “CS Education Research” brands us as “education” which might not thrive in CS departments as it can be understood as “teaching.”

3 CS Education Researchers don’t get much R  E  S  P  E  C  T

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5  How do we teach the fundamental ideas of computing in an inclusive and age and interest specific way? Learning processions?  How best do we include persons with disabilities?  What are the best approaches to pedagogy? To assessment?  How do we introduce CT in other disciplines?  How can we effectively use on-line courses to provide education at scale?

6 Play in the K-12 space – The big guys have decades of results – Adoption tied to standards – Money tied to evidence base To make the most of the current wave – K-12 – Undergraduate – Diversity  Inclusion Why bother?

7 How do we get there? – Change the culture in academic departments – Figure out how to evaluate, tenure, and promote CS education researchers – Build partnerships with learning science and other education researchers

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