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December 16, 2009.  Update on the Administration Excellence initiatives: ◦ Where are we? What are our next steps? ◦ Update on the Recruitment Database.

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Presentation on theme: "December 16, 2009.  Update on the Administration Excellence initiatives: ◦ Where are we? What are our next steps? ◦ Update on the Recruitment Database."— Presentation transcript:

1 December 16, 2009

2  Update on the Administration Excellence initiatives: ◦ Where are we? What are our next steps? ◦ Update on the Recruitment Database  Update from Karen on MMP rollout  Update from Karen on web-based tools  Your questions and feedback

3  Needs assessment  Three Learning Collaboratives: core, clinical and school  A web portal for all administrators:  Departmental intranet sites ◦ uniquely designed based on your needs

4  A “go-to” person for help  A hotline (x5656) and hotmail address (  A customized method for MMP rollout: ◦ Participation and support from Financial and Procurement Services ◦ A team that listens and addresses your concerns ◦ Support and one-on-one training

5  A core team at the Faculty: A pril, Johanne, Melina, Karen & myself  Administration Excellence Steering Committee: ◦ Broad representation ◦ Provides counsel and guidance ◦ Question and challenge recommendations brought forward ◦ Ensures our work is aligned with the Faculty’s goals ◦ Champion the final recommendations


7  Achieving Organizational Effectiveness ◦ Engagement of the Huron Consulting Group:  Identify other organizational models that optimize administrative support through a benchmarking exercise ◦ Determine if those models will meet and suit our own needs ◦ Recommendations will be vetted through the Administration Excellence Steering Committee, the FLC and the MMG

8 Questions?

9 Next year there can’t be a crisis. My schedule is already full. ~ Henry Kissinger

10  Numerous complex processes  Various levels of expertise  Changing policies, procedures and forms  Leads to errors of omission, delays and a difficult arrival of some new staff

11  No common repository  No long term view of recruitment needs  No long term planning of resources

12  The Faculty project team: ◦ Johanne Miller – Finance ◦ Karen Kirouac – Finance – Special Projects ◦ Luis Siles – MedIT ◦ Vito Campanelli – Med IT ◦ Christine Dolden – Administration  Ernie Kinney – process mapping  Your expertise: to test the process mapping

13 1. Support the administrators 2. Improve the Faculty’s planning abilities 3. Improve our image towards new faculty

14  Provide a user-friendly system to guide the administrators as they: ◦ Obtain requisite approvals – Faculty & Provost ◦ Advertise, search and selection ◦ Identify resources needed ◦ Prepare letter of offer ◦ Prepare recruitment dossier ◦ Prepare tenure dossier ◦ Facilitate immigration of non-Canadians ◦ Facilitate medical manpower approval and licensing of new M.D.’s 1. Supporting the administrators

15  Clearer picture of our recruitment needs: short and long-term  Better prioritization for the use of our resources (space, financial, human resources)  Easy access to the data for all stakeholders involved in recruitment (department, AAO, Finance, Building Services, MedIT)

16  A well-planned recruitment  a more smooth arrival of our new faculty members ◦ Building access in place ◦ Lab and office ready ◦ Operating funds set up ◦ Paycheque issued on time

17  Current situation is not well supported and has no long-term planning of resources  A recruitment database will: 1. Support the administrators 2. Improve the Faculty’s planning abilities 3. Improve our image to new faculty

18  Departments using MMP ◦ Anatomy & Cell Biology ◦ Pharmacology & Therapeutics ◦ Biochemistry ◦ Physiology ◦ Microbiology & Immunology ◦ Comparative Medicine and Animal Resources Centre ◦ Dean’s office  Go-live date in January ◦ School of Nursing ◦ Cancer Centre  Who’s next ◦ Biomedical Engineering, Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, Human Genetics, Family Medicine, Department of Medicine…

19  Administration Website ◦ New URL – ◦ New additions  Marketplace – how to’s, videos, articles  Audit - reports  Basic template for intranet – what we think is useful  Your feedback – send us you thoughts, ideas, etc…  Knowledge Base (KB) ◦ URL- ◦ Policies - internal and links to central ◦ Procedures – internal and links to central ◦ Links to other KBs – Financial Services & ICS  Financial Affairs ◦ New URL –

20 Questions?

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