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Helium Stick A new perspective Constructive developmental model Robert Kegan.

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Presentation on theme: "Helium Stick A new perspective Constructive developmental model Robert Kegan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Helium Stick A new perspective Constructive developmental model Robert Kegan

2 If you have done this before – you may choose to be an observer – if you take part please be silent If you are new – You may choose to observe – Or take part

3 The Task Participants: Both fingers under the stick Both fingers touching the stick Do not hook fingers over Lower the stick to the floor Observers: Observe!

4 1st person WIIFM Now Micro-task Talk “at” not “with” <5% of managers

5 2nd Person Communication Teamwork Time minutes, hours Task oriented 10% of managers

6 3 rd person Expert-Achiever Observer What is your measure of success? How would you improve performance?

7 3 rd person - Expert Time frame months to year 50% of managers expert Tend to micro-manage Demand 100% perfection Not a good team player

8 3 rd person - Achiever Time 1 to 5 years Motivated by goals Not tied to a particular solution Curious about how and why people act 35% of managers achiever

9 4 th person Individualist Everything is relative Process more important than goal Creates horizontal structures Venture and consulting roles 5% of leaders Strategist Creates shared visions Can manage paradox Transformational leader 25 year time frame 2% of leaders

10 And further out 5 th – Construct aware – Transpersonal 6 th – Universal – Illumined ?th – Non dual

11 Perspective of Master Trainer 1 st Impulsive, Opportunist 2 nd Delta, Diplomat 3 rd Expert, Achiever 4 th Individualist, Strategist

12 TeamSTEPPS 4 th person perspective Digging deeper into roles and responsibilities of a Master Trainer Vision, success factors and barriers From knowledge to culture: coaching methods Aligning the micro with the macro Measurement to motivate improvement

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