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IT’S NOT WHO YOU KNOW – IT’S WHO KNOWS YOU! Building Your Business by Building Your Brand! David Avrin.

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Presentation on theme: "IT’S NOT WHO YOU KNOW – IT’S WHO KNOWS YOU! Building Your Business by Building Your Brand! David Avrin."— Presentation transcript:

1 IT’S NOT WHO YOU KNOW – IT’S WHO KNOWS YOU! Building Your Business by Building Your Brand! David Avrin

2 What is a brand? Advertising Marketing Social Media Public Relations Logo Tagline

3 Brand How do you build a memorable, marketable, clearly-differentiated Brand?

4 1. Be Remarkable

5 Instant Recognition!









14 Be a Contrarian!

15 Brand Consistency

16 Singularity What Category can you own

17 Create your own category

18 Marketing is not a Department

19 Be Remarkable Specialization = Credibility

20 Differentiate What are the words you are using to describe your business?


22 A Plague of Blah, Blah, Blah! “Our people make the difference” HonestyIntegrityTrust Our Customers Come First! We really listen. “We use only quality ingredients.” We’re passionate about what we do!

23 Heard this morning at AFRDS “High-Quality” “Unwavering commitment” “Dedicated to exceeding your expectations!” “We get the job done.” “Turning ordinary into extraordinary.”

24 What are you promoting? Your Competency is not a good enough reason to give you my business!

25 Dig Deeper! Don’t just inform me…or persuade me… Convince me!

26 What can you rightfully claim? We are the only provider that can… Studies have clearly shown….

27 Notes to Promote: 1. Sole Claim: “We are the only….” 2. Action Verb: “We created, developed, pioneered…” 3. Supremacy: First, fastest, largest, oldest, softest… 4. 3 rd Party Honors: Named “Entrepreneur-of-the- Year,” “Best-Places-to-Work,” “Top-Ten- Supplier”… 5. Media Appearances: “Perhaps you saw our full- page article in…. 6. Key Clients: “When NASA was looking for a supplier…”

28 Remind them of the risks of making a poor decision. Remind them of the risks of making a poor decision.

29 2. Have a plan!

30 Who are your audiences?

31 The general public? Not anymore!

32 Ask two questions:

33 Question 1: What do you want them to KNOW?

34 Question 2: What do you want them to DO?

35 How do you build your brand 3. Do what you do in a very public way BE VISIBLE!

36 The Visibility Coach says: The greatest enemy of success in business is anonymity.

37 The Visibility Coach says: Sample!

38 Social Media Strategies

39 Reach out regularly

40 Old African Proverb “When an old man dies, a library burns to the ground.”

41 So how do you build your brand? 1. Be Remarkable 2. Have a Clear Plan 3. Be Very, Very Visible!

42 Oh, one final note… Execute Exquisitely. (You never get a second chance to make a first impression.) a first impression.)

43 David Avrin

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