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NeSSI*: An Platform and an Enabling Technology for MicroAnalytical Frank Schweighardt - Air Products Don Nettles - Chevron Texaco “the best way to predict.

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Presentation on theme: "NeSSI*: An Platform and an Enabling Technology for MicroAnalytical Frank Schweighardt - Air Products Don Nettles - Chevron Texaco “the best way to predict."— Presentation transcript:

1 NeSSI*: An Platform and an Enabling Technology for MicroAnalytical Frank Schweighardt - Air Products Don Nettles - Chevron Texaco “the best way to predict the future is to create it” *NeSSI = New Sampling/Sensor Initiative

2 2 Today we will not cover your “garden variety” analytical sensor... Courtesy of First Alert  A Kidde Co.

3 3 Presentation Outline Process Analytical Chemistry 101 –[a quick look] An End User’s vision of an ideal microAnalytical sensor Enter NeSSI* –enabling technology for microAnalytical –a rapid path to the process

4 4 What is Process Analytical Chemistry? “The art and science of making [relatively] continuous analytical measurements in the chemical industry.” “The real savings from process analyzers are to be realized in improved processes that produce less waste, consume fewer raw materials, and produce better products.” [Hassell/Bowman. Applied Spectroscopy. Jan. 1988.]

5 5

6 6 Economic Benefits of Process Analysis Lab to Process Analysis Cost Comparison –Cost of Lab Sample: $25-$75/sample –Break Even Point = c. 300 samples/yr. –Process Analyzer Cost of Ownership $15K per year +/- $5K typically 10-15 year life span 45% cost to build/55% cost to maintain Modeling & Optimization Benefits Lab vs. Analyzer Cost data courtesy of PAPAC Presentation L. Melton

7 Investment in Process Analyzers Companies surveyed were: Dow, Exxon, DuPont, Eastman; ICI Americas, UCC Reference: PAPAC Presentation (L. Melton)

8 Source: PAI Report8 Industry Segmentation Chemicals, Plastics & Refining usually require hazardous area certification

9 Source: PAI Report* FTIR, NIR, MS, Raman, etc. \ But may do up to 50 % of our analyses Analysis Types in the Marketplace

10 10 Class I. Extractive Analysis - Remote Analyzer House 3.Manipulate (Sample System) 4.Analyze 1. [Sample] Extraction (representative) 2. Transport typ. Up to 300 ft. 6. Data Collected & Acted Upon 5. Return 7. Validate Central Analyzer House

11 11 Class I. Extractive Analysis - Remote Analyzer “House” Courtesy of Dow Chemical - Freeport, TX

12 12 Class II - “In-Line”* Analysis …(perhaps) the ideal analytical system AT * a.k.a. in-situ, IN-alyzer Probe type devices... - conductivity/pH - optical techniques - oxygen - Al 2 O 3 moisture Challenges - validation - high development costs - no process “buffering” - fouling - technology constraints - may require withdrawal method Analogous to a thermocouple

13 13 Class IIIa - Extractive Analysis (Stack Analysis*) STACK - Aspirated/Convection - Hi-Temperature - Atmospheric Pressure - Low hydrocarbons (ZrO2) ZrO 2 Oxygen (Opt.) Aspirator * a.k.a. ex-situ, by-line Analogous to a pressure transmitter

14 14 Class IIIb - Extractive Analysis (Slip-stream*) PPAT SLIP-STREAM - Line pressure & temp. - Typ. high flows - Typ. a “Piped” System - Delta P required - Maintenance accessible Analogous to a control valve station * aka side-stream; by-line

15 15 Class IIIc - By-Line Extractive Analysis (NeSSI) Advantages: - Being by-line means only very low sampling volumes are required - Sample can be manipulated to meet the needs of the analytical sensor

16 16 Type IIIc - By-Line Analysis Example Courtesy of Dow Chemical Freeport, TX

17 17 Today’s Analytical System Can be more of an “art” than a “science” Custom assembly (typ) by an integrator Large sample & utility usage Skilled maintenance staff required Semi-automated Courtesy of Dow Chemical Freeport, TX

18 18 The Ideal microAnalytical Device Global Hazardous Certifications Multi-drop I.S. protocol (low power) Plug & play (self-identifying) Robust (> 99.9% uptime) –Smart/self-diagnostic –minimum or no moving parts –modular replacement (hot swap) Low cost c. <$5K or <$1K “disposable”

19 19 The Ideal microAnalytical Device Analysis Type –Multi: GC, MS, spectrocopy –Single: O2, H2O, pH, conductivity Functional Clusters –pH, DO2, Conductivity: “water package” –NOx, O2, CO: “CEMS package” Gas and/or Liquid Service “Configurable” rangeability –PPB, PPM, PERCENT

20 20 The Ideal microAnalytical Device (conditioned sample) Typ. Pressure: –(typical) vacuum to 150 psig –(higher) vacuum to 500 psig Typ. Temperature: -20 to 80 C. Flow (gas) –3 to 200 cc/min and 3 to 2,000 cc/min Flow (liquid) –1 to 300 cc/min and 1 to 1,500 cc/min

21 21 The Ideal microAnalytical Device Fast Response (< 10 seconds) Low Power (intrinsic safe operation) High selectivity (normal and upset) 316L SS (typ.) or process compatible Self Correcting (drift compensation) –Ambient temp/pressure changes –Sample pressure/flow/temp changes Low/No Utility or Reagent Usage

22 22 NeSSI an Enabling Technology for microAnalytical A Standard Mechanical Platform –ANSI/ISA SP76 mechanical “footprint” standard form factor component interoperability Lego  like component fabrication A Standard Connectivity Interface (Intrinsically Safe DeviceNet/Ethernet) A Standard Software Interface

23 23 Programmable Substrate Heater What will a NeSSI system look like? V P A F Ethernet LAN Analyzer Controller SAM CANbus PDA Auxiliary Heating/Cooling Substrate T T dcs o&m user

24 24 NeSSI: an Enabling Technology Provides a Safe microClimate for Sensors AC Power Intrinsically Safe electrical sensors & CANbus comm. bus allow “hot” plug & play capabilities in hazardous electrical locations AC Power MicroClimate Enclosure - no costly X-proof bolting or flame-proof enclosure - environmental protection - No Purge or Pressurization - Low utility req. - No need to S/D for maintenance (X-purge) Networked Heaters & Temperature Control: - Substrate & Enclosure

25 25 NeSSI an Enabling Technology SAM* does the repetitive jobs Gateway to an Ethernet LAN (DCS/maintenance systems) can use multiple com protocols - OPC/HTTP/FF, etc. Host to a… Sensor/Actuator Bus PDA Field Interface - Graphical - Wireless -Bluetooth™ - 802.11 Wi-Fi Software Applets for Sample System Repetitive Tasks (Appl-I) Provides “Open” Development Space for Custom Software SAM *SAM = Sensor Actuator Mgr. The Bluetooth and the Bluetooth trademark are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc.

26 26 NeSSI an Enabling Technology for microAnalytical Advantages... –lowers the entry barriers for micro Analytical developers –lowers infrastructure development costs and associated risk faster to market –developer can concentrate on providing a premiere microAnalytical sensor

27 27 Programmable Substrate Heater NeSSI “Sandwich” concept Ethernet LAN Analyzer Controller V A P F SAM CANbus PDA Auxiliary Heating/Cooling Substrate T T Standard Sampling Interface dcs o&m user Standard Connectivity Interface Development Focus can be on Sensors !

28 Market Acceptance Lower Cost Ease of Design System Reliability Time On the Post Analyzer House By-Line/In-Line Technology Explosion! Fast networks/computers Robust/miniature electronics Lab-on-a-chip; lasers; wireless Open standards/interoperability What does the Market Need? Reliable, rugged, low cost & fast What are the Critical Issues? Component/System Availability Cost & Acceptance in Industry 1938 2000 MicroAnalytical & Process Analytical

29 29 Summary Quick Overview of Process Analytical Attributes of an ideal microAnalytical sensor described NeSSI provides an enabling platform which will speed microAnalytical sensors to the process

30 30 Acknowledgments & References Lynn Melton (U of Texas - Dallas) –PAPAC presentation Walt Henslee, Mike Walsh, Ron O’Reilly (Dow Chemical) PAI Associates (S. Walton/T. McMahon) CPAC Web Site: –Generation II Specification –Request for Proposals –Previous Presentations

31 NeSSI*: Status Update CPAC - Seattle, WA - May 4, 2003 Rob Dubois - Peter van Vuuren – Jim Tatera. “the best way to predict the future is to create it” *New Sampling/Sensor Initiative Tatera & Assoc.

32 32 “Everyone needs a vision of success…”

33 33 NeSSI Vision of Success We are able to… –Design... –Assemble... – analytical system on our workbench. Lego  Like Assembly –No special skills to assemble –plug and play/self-documenting Fully Automated

34 Time (years) 03 04 NeSSI Roadmap 02 Mechanical Component Availability e.g. filters, valves, etc. Mechanical Field Installations ANSI/ISA SP76 Standard Approved NeSSI/CPAC Vision & Roadmap 2000 Design /Prototype - Gen II Smart/Heating/SAM Smart Field Installations Mechanical Gen. I Smart/”Electrified” Gen. II  Analytical & Wireless Gen. III 01 06 05 Dow Rev. 2, July 2002 uAnalytical Field Installations Simple Analyzers (H2O, O2, pH, UV/VIS, etc.)

35 35 NeSSI Generation Segmentation Gen III Gen II Gen I Mechanical Components (mostly) Electrical Transducers/IS CANbus Wireless, Advanced Gas & Liq. Sensors & Platform for microAnalytical Value

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