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 Today we will cover:  Voltage regulators  Sensors  motordrivers iBOT1.

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Presentation on theme: " Today we will cover:  Voltage regulators  Sensors  motordrivers iBOT1."— Presentation transcript:

1  Today we will cover:  Voltage regulators  Sensors  motordrivers iBOT1

2  Voltage regulators are used to step down DC voltages  Output voltage is fixed and the input may fluctuate,  2 kinds of voltage regulators:  Dessipative type  Switch mode power supply iBOT2

3  Nomenclature ( 78xx)  Pin Configuration  When and when not to use? iBOT3

4  Used in computers  Desired voltage is achieved by switching on and off the power supply and passing the output across a capacitor. iBOT4

5  Potential divider/ Rheostat  LEDs and Photodiodes  Comparators iBOT5

6  Contrast sensor can differentiate between black and white.  To make a contrast sensor we need:  LED and photodiode ( IR spectrum) ‏  Comparator ( to digitize the output)  Potential divider ( to calibrate it ) ‏ iBOT6

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8  TSOP/ obstacle detection sensors  Sound Sensors  Bump Sensors  Tilt sensors iBOT8

9  Electronic switches  Signals can be used to connect and disconnect Power circuits  Used as signal amplifiers for running power circuit components such as motors, actuators. iBOT9

10  Commonly used motor driver: L293D, mc33886  Uses mosfets to electronically switch circuit.  Middleman between microcontroller and motors. iBOT10

11  H bridge iBOT11

12  16 pin IC  Can control 2 motors, bidirection  Supports PWM iBOT12

13  Ashwin Ram ( Mujra)-9840355551  Abhishek (Blade)-9940317883  Abhishek (Twister)-9884441901 iBOT13

14  Intro to Microcontrollers  Softwares required  Make your own line follower! iBOT14

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