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Measuring with Precision Figure out what each mark stands for Estimate a measurement if it is in between marks ALWAYS USE UNITS 50, 100,.5, 27.5….what?

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Presentation on theme: "Measuring with Precision Figure out what each mark stands for Estimate a measurement if it is in between marks ALWAYS USE UNITS 50, 100,.5, 27.5….what?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Measuring with Precision Figure out what each mark stands for Estimate a measurement if it is in between marks ALWAYS USE UNITS 50, 100,.5, 27.5….what?





6 Mass Measure of the amount of matter in an object Units:grams(g), kilograms(kg), etc. Tool: triple beam balance, scale Different than weight? Weight depends on gravitational force Weight changes if gravity changes(different planet, space, etc) Mass is ALWAYS the same

7 Triple Beam Balance




11 Estimetrix-mass Choose objects to mass Use triple beam balance to mass Make sure to rotate through group members so everyone gets practice with the balance Be sure that balance is zeroed each time, and that it is balanced before you read weight

12 Volume Measure of the amount of space an object takes up Units: mililiters(mL), kiloliters(kL),cm 3 etc. Tool: Regular shaped objects: ruler(length x width x height), etc. Irregularly shaped objects: graduated cylinder Displacement method-> ending volume-starting volume=volume of object

13 Each mark is 1 mL. So, read to the nearest 0.1.

14 Each mark is 0.2 mL. So, read to the nearest 0.02.

15 Each mark is 0.2 mL. So, read to the nearest 0.02.

16 Each mark is 0.5 mL. So, read to the nearest 0.05.

17 Graduated Cylinder-demo Reading Volume: Get on eye level with the height of the liquid Read the volume at the bottom of the meniscus(curvature of the liquid)

18 Volume Displacement Starting Volume Add item(carefully) Ending Volume How do we get item’s volume? Starting Finish

19 Estimetrix-volume Use the same sheet from yesterday, update/mark a line to show where you are starting today, with Volume, instead of mass Make sure to rotate through group members so everyone gets practice with measuring volume Clean up any spills, leave your area neat or neater than you found it Volume of irregular objects: 1.Fill the graduated cylinder to a starting volume, note volume 2.Gently place the object in(don’t let the water splash) 3.Find the ending volume 4.Calculate the volume of the object-record in table ending volume-starting volume=volume of object

20 Density-Notes The amount of stuff there is in an object in its space, how closely packed it is with atoms, or how much space there is between atoms affects density Mass/Volume D=

21 Lab Materials: Bin of supplies Water-fill up beaker or cup Scale-from front Calculator-2 nd drawer

22 Volume Displacement Starting Volume Add item(carefully) Ending Volume How do we get item’s volume? Starting Finish

23 Density Lab:Make sure you have done the 2 float 2 sink Mass the object-record in table Fill the graduated cylinder to a starting volume, note volume Gently place the object in(don’t let the water splash) Find the ending volume Calculate the volume of the object-record in table ending volume-starting volume=volume of object Calculate the density-record in table UNITS!!! Challenge: Using the graduated cylinder and scale, find the density of water.

24 Make sure you have done the 2 float 2 sink Challenge: Using the graduated cylinder and scale, find the density of water. Raise hand for Ms. Wells to check

25 Post Lab Questions:(write and answer at bottom of table) 1.What is the density of water? 2.Which object(s) floated in the water? 3.Which object(s) sunk in water? 4.Why do objects float or sink in water? Challenge: Using the graduated cylinder and scale, find the density of water.

26 Talk with your group: Two liquids are added to Water in a graduated cylinder They do not mix Liquid A has a density of 1.5 g/ml Liquid B has a density of.67 g/ml How would these liquids arrange themselves with the water, based on their densities?(which would be on top, middle and bottom?)

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