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Exploring Career Clusters and How They Benefit You.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring Career Clusters and How They Benefit You."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring Career Clusters and How They Benefit You

2  What classes do I need to take in high school?  Do I really have to go to college?  What about community college?  I think my job just needs on-site training…  I’m not sure if I need to know any skills before beginning my job.  I heard that you need experience in order to get any job…how do I get that experience?

3 …And I have no idea where to begin.”


5 No matter what you answered, we are all HERE The question is…how do we get HERE?



8 You have… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1


10  A Career Cluster is a great way for students to:  Explore career choices while still in High School  Take Community College courses (free of charge!)  Earn college credit now, Save $ later  Gain an understanding of what post-secondary (after HS) education you may need or want (or not need)  Develop skills that will help you when applying for jobs  Receive beneficial credentials (Microsoft Office Specialist, CNA, etc.)  Helps analyze short-term and long-term career/college goals  Give you the experience you need to get a job/help build a professional resume  Prepares you for the “Work Keys” Assessment

11  You can choose to complete courses in any of the following Career Clusters: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Architecture and Construction Arts, AV, and Communication Business Management and Administration Finance Health Science Hospitality and Tourism Human Services Information Technology Law and Public Safety Manufacturing Marketing STEM Transportation

12  In order to gain all the benefits these courses have to offer, you need to complete a total of 4 classes in one of the Career Clusters.  Look at your handout…handout  You need to take at least 3 classes from the Blue column  You may choose to take your 4th class from the Blue, Green or Gold Column  At least one class must be a Second Level (or Completer) course from either the Blue or Gold  The Gold column lists courses that count for High School and College Credit!

13 What classes do you need to complete four in a cluster with one of those being a 2 nd level course?

14  You are considered a “CTE Completer”


16 What is a CTE Completer? And the answer is...

17 In what areas can you become a CTE Completer? (**Hint…These are the Career Clusters)Career Clusters


19  College courses are offered at:

20 You still have the option of taking up to 12 additional electives in other areas.

21  An assessment that measures “real-world” work skills employers believe are critical to job success  Earning “Silver” or higher on the assessment will earn you the National Career Readiness Certificate  Employers often look for this credential when hiring new employees in order to create an effective, successful workforce  It is recognized nationwide, so it will benefit you no matter where you live  For those that are concerned…It has no effect on your GPA


23 National Technical Honor Society “Felicitas Menti Instructae Favet” “Success Favors the Prepared Mind”

24 NTHS Qualifications Must have completed four courses in a cluster. –1 course must be a level 2 or * course –Must have 90 average in level 2 course Must have GPA of 3.50 (weighted) Teacher nominations will occur in December and March. Dues are $25 ($40 with a T-shirt)

25 Benefits of Membership NTHS helps members to: –Seek postsecondary education by awarding over $200,000 in scholarship annually. –Position themselves ahead of competition in today’s highly competitive workforce. –Earn recognition for superior achievement in career and technical fields. –Build career portfolios with professional letters of recommendation. –Connect to global career and technical education networks. –Discover opportunities with leading business and industry. –Serve in leadership roles in communities and industries.

26 And most importantly... Be recognized for their achievement in career and technical education. Members receive a membership certificate in a professional presentation folder. In addition, members receive an official NTHS diploma seal, graduation tassel, lapel pin, and window decal to show their affiliation with NTHS.



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