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Chapter 15: The Contemporary Spirit. The Age of Anxiety The rise of the Cold War between the USA and the Soviet Union (USSR) created this age.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 15: The Contemporary Spirit. The Age of Anxiety The rise of the Cold War between the USA and the Soviet Union (USSR) created this age."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 15: The Contemporary Spirit

2 The Age of Anxiety The rise of the Cold War between the USA and the Soviet Union (USSR) created this age.

3 The Age of Anxiety Post-war America – Be-bop It was the revival of improvisational purism in the area of jazz. Charlie “Bird” Parker is regarded as one of the movements perfectionists.

4 The Age of Anxiety Post-war America – The Beats These were the American writers who quested for the meaning of life. Alec Ginsberg was one of the most prominent writers from this group.

5 The Age of Anxiety Post-war America – The Confessional Poets American women writers turned inward in their writing giving intensely intimate accounts of their lives. Anne Sexton was regarded as one of the avant-garde of this group.

6 The Age of Anxiety The Existentialists – This movement approached the idea that the world was absurd and lacked true meaning. – Jean-Paul Sartre’s, one of the avant-garde of this movement, greatest work is No Exit.

7 The Age of Anxiety The Existentialists – Simone de Beauvoir She was Sartre’s female counterpart. Her most famous work was The Second Sex.

8 The Age of Anxiety The Existential Hero – These characters emerge from the concept of trying to find identity under insane conditions.

9 The Age of Anxiety The Existential Hero – Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man is about a young black man’s struggle in a racist world that simply wants to exploit his ability but only perceive him in a stereotypical fashion.

10 The Age of Anxiety The Existential Hero – Joseph Heller He is best known for his work, Catch-22. The story is about the captain of a bomber who tries to escape his commander by faking his insanity.

11 Art & Architecture in Postwar America The New York School – Abstract Expressionism The concept was to express emotion through abstract subjects. Jackson Pollock’s dripping and splattering style is one of the most famous members of this genre.

12 Art & Architecture in Postwar America Modern Architecture – Ludwig Mies van der Rohe He championed the concept of “less is more.” His purist style became the preferred concept of the modern office building.

13 Art & Architecture in Postwar America Modern Architecture – Frank Lloyd Wright He moved away from his “natural” style and began experimenting with sculptural architecture. Guggenheim Museum, New York City

14 Art & Architecture in Postwar America Sculpture – Alexander Calder is best known for his mobiles.

15 Art & Architecture in Postwar America Sculpture – Louise Nevelson used “found” material to create what became known as assemblages.

16 Art & Architecture in Postwar America Black Mountain College – This was founded in North Carolina in 1933 as an experimental college dedicated to the creative arts.

17 Art & Architecture in Postwar America Black Mountain College – John Cage He influenced two of the Black Mountain alumni Robert Rauschenberg & Merce Cunningham. He created a piano piece by flipping a coin to decide the sequence of tones which was termed aleatory music.

18 The Sixties Visual Arts – Allan Kaprow He is one of the founders of the movement in which a “happening” is created where the artist and the audience are equal partners.

19 The Sixties Visual Arts – Pop Art The concept was to incorporate mass- production into art. By Lobo

20 The Sixties Visual Arts – Pop Art Andy Warhol – He was the avant-garde of the movement. – His “In the future everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes.”

21 The Sixties Visual Arts – Pop Art Minimalism – This movement became the “anti-expressionist” form. – Donald Judd is one of the famous sculptors of this work. – Conceptual Art was the concept that art might simply be an idea. By Piet Mondrian

22 The Sixties Modern Music – Rock and Roll emerged with the focus featuring electric guitars and strong rhythms.

23 The Sixties Modern Music – Rock and Roll The Beatles’ Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band

24 The Sixties Modern Music – Rock and Roll The Bob Dylan and his political voice.

25 The Sixties Modern Music – Rock and Roll San Francisco & the counter-culture – The Grateful Dead – Jefferson Airplane

26 The Sixties Modern Music – Rock and Roll African-American influence gives rise to rhythm & blues (R & B). – James Brown – Aretha Franklin – Marvin Gaye

27 The Postmodern This style encompasses stylistic hybrids. Renzo Piano & Richard Rogers – Champion the postmodern passion in their building of the Pompidou Center.

28 The Postmodern Pluralism – Is the concept of no one style or influence predominating art. Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles

29 The Postmodern Pluralism – Earth Art (Land Art) is the concept of merging sculpture with the environment. The Mud Man

30 The Postmodern Pluralism – Installations Two pioneers in this arena are Christo & Jean- Claude. These are works that are created at a site and then dismantled. Miami’s Pink Islands

31 Global Awareness Racial and gender focus becomes more pronounced in the modern world. Leeches by Jean-Michael Basquiat

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