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Vision, Eyeball Movement & Balance System II

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1 Vision, Eyeball Movement & Balance System II
Lab 7 Vision, Eyeball Movement & Balance System II

2 Clinical axial stained slice @ medulla/pons transition
Vestibular Nerve Roots 1 Vestibulocochlear nerve 6 4 MLF 5 Facial Nerve Vestibular Nuclei 3 inferior cere- bellar peduncle 2 Clinical axial stained medulla/pons transition

3 1 2 What eye field is located here? What eye field is located here? Frontal Eye Field (FEF) Parietal Eye Field

4 What brainstem level is shown here?
abducens nerve fibers 1 facial nerve fibers 2 Vestibular Nuclei 3 PPRF MLF 6 5 abducens nucleus 4 What brainstem level is shown here? Caudal Pons

5 Pons/midbrain transition
MLF 1 Pons/midbrain transition

6 1 MLF trochlear nucleus 2 Caudal Midbrain

7 Transition b/t midbrain & thalamus
3 Oculomotor nerve roots 1 Oculomotor nucleus MLF 4 2 Superior colliculus Transition b/t midbrain & thalamus

8 What brainstem level is shown here?
internal acoustic meatus 2 semicircular canals 3 1 VIII nerve reference line between base & tegmentum MLF 5 6 Abducens nucleus Vestibular nuclei 4 What brainstem level is shown here? Caudal Pons

9 What is the approximate location of the MLF?
What brainstem level is shown here? Rostral Pons

10 What brainstem level is shown here?
PAG, with Edinger Westphal nucleus 1 (nucleus?) 2 (nerve?) III nerve roots What brainstem level is shown here? Rostral Midbrain

11 Transition b/t midbrain & thalamus
1 Optic tract Lateral geniculate nucleus 2 3 Brachium of Superior colliculi Pretectal area 4 Posterior commissure 5 Superior Colliculus 6 Transition b/t midbrain & thalamus

12 Start with A B C A Vitreous Body Retina Lens Eyeball Sphenoidal Sinus
Hypophysis Optic Nerve Temporal Lobe Gray Matter Basilar Artery CSF in Sulcus Pons 4th Ventricle Cerebellum Start with A

13 4 AFFERENT LIMB OF PUPILLARY REFLEX: optic nerve optic chiasm
optic tract 4 OPTIC TRACT 1 2 3

14 POSITION OF: oculomotor nerve oculomotor nerve roots Edinger Westphal Nucleus 1 (nerve?) 2 (roots?) 3 (nucleus?)

15 1 2 INTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY Reticular formation
General area of descending hypothalamic fibers Intermediolateral column of upper thoracic spinal cord If this is a cervical slice, where are these going?

16 What is the blood supply to the following:
1 Central Artery Ophthalmic Artery 2 Internal Carotid A. 4 (these are all branches of?) 3 3 5 Middle Cerebral 6 Posterior Cerebral - Calcarine A.

17 What is the ~location of the: MLF?
Abducens Nucleus Motor neurons to lateral rectus m. Interneurons send fibers to MLF What is the ~location of the: MLF? PPRF? Abducens Nucleus? Abducens Nerve Fibers? Rostral Medulla Level

18 MLF – en route to midbrain extraocular motor neuclei
What is the ~location of the MLF? Rostral Pons Level

19 What is the ~location of the MLF?
Rostral Pons Level

20 What is the ~location of the:
MLF? Trochlear Nucleus? Caudal Midbrain Level

21 What is the ~location of the:
Superior Colliculi? Superior Colliculi Commissure? MLF? Oculomotor Nucleus? Oculomotor Nerve Fibers? Rostral Midbrain Level

22 What is the ~location of the: MLF?
Superior Colliculi - receives impulses from retina & visual cortex - sends axons to Edinger-Westphal nucleus for lens accommodation What is the ~location of the: MLF? Superior Colliculi? Rostral Midbrain Level

23 What is the ~location of the: Superior Colliculi?
pretectal area - a synaptic center for light reflexes - receives input from retina -sends axons to Edinger-Westphal nucleus for pupillary light response posterior commissure - dorsal to cerebral aqueduct    = decussation of fibers between pretectal nuclei -> bilateral (consensual) light response brachium of superior colliculus -optic tract fibers that bypass lateral geniculate nucleus to reach pretectal area & superior colliculus What is the ~location of the: Superior Colliculi? Brachium of the Superior Colliculus? Pretectal Area? Posterior Commissure? Rostral Midbrain Level

24 What is the ~location of the: Edinger-Wesphal Nucleus?
Edinger-Westphal nucleus - in oculomotor complex (pale part) - a preganglionic parasympathetic nucleus    - receives fibers from the pretectal area & superior colliculi - sends axons via III C.N. to ciliary ganglion for pupillary constriction and lens accommodation oculomotor nerve fibers - axons from Edinger-Westphal nucleus to ciliary ganglion What is the ~location of the: Edinger-Wesphal Nucleus? Superior Colliculi? Rostral Midbrain Level

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