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SI Online Gymnosperms Practice Question Topic 17 Spring 2009

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1 SI Online Gymnosperms Practice Question Topic 17 Spring 2009
Biology SI Online Gymnosperms Practice Question Topic 17 Spring 2009 Dr. Hughey’s Bio 3 (Lab.) Designed by Pyeongsug Kim ©2008

2 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009
Phylum ___________ Coniferophyta Phylum ___________ Pinus What is botanical name in each picture? What does it produce? A) B) A) Microsporangiate strobili-pollen B) Megasporangiate(ovulate) strobili - megasporangia Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009

3 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009
Phylum ___________ Coniferophyta Phylum ___________ Pinus What does this structure (botanical) name? What does this structure produce? Microsporangiate strobili; Pollen Label. A: B: C: A Microsporophylls Microsporangia pollen B C Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009

4 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009
Phylum ___________ Coniferophyta Phylum ___________ Pinus The botanical name of the left structure? Megasporangiate(ovulate) strobili Label A: B: C: D: E: F: Ovulriferous scale Megasporocyte Nucellus(megasporangia) Integument Micropyle Sterile bract Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009

5 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009
In the male cone,what does each Microsporophyll bears? How many? two microsporangia The following explains what happens inside a male cone. Fill in the blank or circle it. In each microsporangium - Each microspore mother cell (microsporochyte(2n)) (meiosis/mitosis)  ___ microspores  (meiosis/mitosis) Develops into __________ enclosed by immature male gam metophytes. four pollen grains Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009

6 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009
What is common name and botanical name in the left structure? Pollen; immature male(micro) gametophytes(n) How many cells are included in each structure? 4-celled A B C Label. A: B: C: D: 2 prothallial cells Generative cell D Tube cell Wings What is the function of D on the structure? Aid in dispersal by wind Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009

7 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009
Left pictures are shown pollination of a Gymnosperms. How do gymnosperms ferilize? Pollen tube fuses with egg cell and conveys the sperms After pollination, write three things happens to pollen. 1) 2) 3) The pollen grain germinates. Pollen tube begins to form. The two sperms appear if the female gametophyte is mature. What is the name of left structure? Germinating pollen.; Microgammetophyte(n). Are the sperms seen in the left structure? Nope! The sperms DO NOT appear until the female gametophyte is mature. Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009

8 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009
What is the name of left structure? A Germinating pollen.; Microgammetophyte(n). Label C B A: B: C: D: Wings Pollen tube Sperms Tube nucleus D How many sperms per each male(micro) gametophytes? Two sperms What is the function of B on the structure? Nonmotile sperms are conveyed the eggs of the archegonia by pollen tube(B). (True/False) Two sperms fertilize two eggs. Justify your answer. One sperm fertilizes and the other has no function and disintegrates. Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009

9 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009
Phylum ___________ Coniferophyta Phylum ___________ Pinus What is the name of structure A & B? A is young one and B is mature one. Megasporangiate(ovulate) strobili The part (red circle) is called “scale.” A In the stage of A, each scale bears _________, which eventually develop into seeds. two ovules In the stage of B, each scale bears _________. two seeds B Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009

10 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009
Phylum ___________ Coniferophyta Phylum ___________ Pinus What is the name of left structure? Megasporangiate(ovulate) strobili Label A: B: C: D: E: F: Ovulriferous scale Megasporocyte Nucellus(megasporangia) Integument Micropyle Sterile bract Continue to next slide…. Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009

11 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009
The picture is cross section of a structure in female cone. What is the structure name? B Ovule A C This structure develops into what? Seed The part C develops into what? Seed coat Label A: B: C: D: D Archegonia Megagametophyte(n) Integument Nucellus Is this picture shown during or after fertilization? How do you know? Nope! Pollen tube is not formed. Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009

12 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009
Which one is after fertilization? How do you know? B; pollen tube fusing with archegonia is seen. A (Before/After) fertilization What is this? function? Pollen tube; fuses with egg cell and conveys the sperms B (Before/After) fertilization Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009

13 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009
You are seeing pine seeds and cross-section of a seed. A pine seed is developed from _______. a ovule Label A: B: C: D: E: F: G: H: I: Nucellus Seed coat Root apex(Apical meristem) Megagametophyte(n) Cotyledons Shoot apex Hypocotyl-root axis Root cap Embyo(2n) B A D C I E F G H The part B is developed from _________. integument The part I develops into __________________. Young sporophyte(2n) Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009

14 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009
You are seeing pine seedings. What is the green one(botanical name)? Young sporophyte(2n) Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009

15 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009
You are seeing a pine tree. What stage is this tree in its life cycle? Mature sporophyte(2n) Pines are (monoecious/dioecious), both male and female cones or _______ are borne on the (same/different) plant. strobili In some Pinus, female cones are in the higher branches than male cones. Why? This minimizes self-pollination. Most pine trees do cross-pollination. Pines are __________ dominant. sporophyte Pines are (homosporous/heterosporous) Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009

16 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009
Phylum ___________ Genus ___________ Cycadophyta Phylum ___________ Genus ___________ Cycadophyta Cycas Zamia Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009

17 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009
Phylum ___________ Genus ____________ Coniferophyta Ginkophyta What is the “species” of the below picture? Ginkgo biloba Microsporangiate strobili Megasporangiate strobili (Ovulate) Label A & B: Monoecious? Dioecious? Dioecious Which one is male or female plant? A B Male Ginkgo Female Ginkgo Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009

18 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009
Phylum ___________ Genus ____________ Gnetophyta Gnetum What are A & B? Hint:plant a is female. Plant b is male. A-megasporngiate B-microsporangiate A B b a Monoecious? Dioecious? Dioecious Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009

19 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009
Phylum ___________ Genus ____________ Gnetophyta Ephedra What is the structure name in a small picture? Microsporagiate strobili Female plant Male plant Monoecious? Dioecious? Dioecious Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009

20 Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009
Phylum ___________ Genus ____________ Gnetophyta Welwitschia The left picture is come from male plant. What is the name of this structure? Microsporagiate strobili Monoecious? Dioecious? Dioecious Designed by Pyeongsug Kim, ©2009

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