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Mission College Budget. To be planned in 2011/2012. To take effect in 2012/2013 1. 1.District Reduction Target$3,000,000 2. 2.District’s Share (18%)$540,000.

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Presentation on theme: "Mission College Budget. To be planned in 2011/2012. To take effect in 2012/2013 1. 1.District Reduction Target$3,000,000 2. 2.District’s Share (18%)$540,000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mission College Budget

2 To be planned in 2011/2012. To take effect in 2012/2013 1. 1.District Reduction Target$3,000,000 2. 2.District’s Share (18%)$540,000 3. 3.To be shared by Colleges$2,460,000 (1-2) 4. 4.WV’s share (53%)$1,303,800 5. 5.Mission’s Share (47%)$1,156,200 WVMCCD Budget reduction targets fy 2012-2013

3 Budget Reduction planning Timeline- fall 2011 Budget Reduction Planning Timeline – Fall 2011   September 15Mission College forum brainstorms and responses to PC for a framework   September 28 PC framework goes to GAP for review and discussion   October 5 GAP workshop - GAP discusses reduction modalities Considering three alternatives: 1. least harmful, 2. somewhat harmful, and 3. most harmful   October 12GAP workshop – continue framework & options   October 19GAP Workshop – Constituent draft approval   October 20Draft goes to constituents for review (AS, CS & ASG)   November 9 Constituent responses to GAP   November 16 GAP recommendation to President   November 30 Mission Decision – by President   December 1 Office of Administrative Services to submit 12/13 MC budget reduction plan to district finance office

4 One-time Funds Expected in Year-end Balances 1. 1.District Reduction Target$2,600,000 2. 2.Office the Top Using Contingency$600,000 3. 3.District’s Share (25%)$500,000 4. 4.To be split between Colleges$1,500,000 (1-2,3) 5. 5.WV’s share (53%)$795,000 6. 6.Mission’s Share (47%)$705,000 Mission will utilize salary savings and year-end operating Budget balances. Mission college 11-12 Budget shortfall Plan

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