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Histology and embryology

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1 Histology and embryology
Female genital system Histology and embryology

2 Development development of gonads development of ducts
development of external genitalia

3 Indifferent gonads

4 Development of ovaries
from 12th week primary sex cords disappears (rete) development of cortical cords surrounds primordial germ cells development of follicles with oogonia surface epithelium simple cuboideal  mesovarium tunica albuginea

5 Development of ducts mesonephric ducts and tubules degenerate (epioophorone) paramesonephric ducts cranial part – uterine tubes caudal parts fuse – uterovaginal primordium formation of broad ligament

6 Development of vagina mesenchyme between US and VP - hymen
from uterovaginal primordium and urogenital sinus (US) two sinovaginal bulbs appearing of vaginal plate (VP) elongation and luminization (11th week) mesenchyme between US and VP - hymen

7 Development of external genitalia
indifferent stage (4th-7th week) genital tubercle urogenital folds labioscrotal folds female genitalia clitoris labia minora labia majora

8 Descensus ovarii relative descent (elongation of body) gubernaculum
lig. susp. ovarii, lig. teres uteri

9 Development disorders
hermaphroditism true: both gonads (testes and ovaries) pseudohermaphroditisms: female - virilization of ext. genitalia (CAH) male -  testosteronu, AMH (sy testicular feminization) uterus duplex, uterus septus…


11 Female genital system ovary uterine (fallopian) tube womb (uterus)
vagina external genitalia

12 Ovary cortex (cortical zone) medulla (vascular zone)
simple cuboideal epithelium tunica albuginea loose con. tissue, fibroblasts, collagen and reticular fibres ovarian follicles medulla (vascular zone) collagenous tissue, vessels, nerves

13 Primordial follicles one layer of flattened follicular cells oocyte

14 Primary follicles follicular cells proliferate zona pellucida
cuboideal to columnar on basal lamina appearance of lipid granules - granulosa cells zona pellucida between follicular cells and oocyte - glycoproteins theca folliculi surrounding tissue and cells

15 Secondary follicles small cavities between fol. cells
fusing of cavities – formation of antrum folliculi fulfilled with fluid - liquor folliculi oocyte is peripherally - cumulus oophorus surrounded by granulosa cells - corona radiata theca differentiates into: theca interna - fibroblasts  theca cells production of estrogens, vessels theca externa – con. tissue, smooth muscle


17 Terciar follicles (Graafian)
prominent on the surface of ovary-macula pellucida -> bad blood supply of covering tissue rupture and releasing of oocyte with corona radiata to uterine tube


19 Corpus luteum develops from empty Graafian follicle
corpus luteum graviditatis in function till 4th month of gravidity corpus luteum menstruationis functional for days (24th-26th day of cycle) finally – corpus luteum change to corpus albicans – con. tissue, disappears c.a.graviditatis - remains

20 Corpus luteum in the centre is blood clot granulosa-lutein cells
produce of progesterone and estrogens contains lutein – yellow color theca-lutein cells produce progesterone and androstedione capsule from theca externa - septa ingrowth of vessels


22 Atresia of follicles degeneration of follicles – about 99%
primord. follicles – completely disappears others – degeneration of cells and formation of scar theca cells – produce androgens


24 Ovarian cycle follicular phase (1st - 13th day) ovulation (14th day)
maturation of follicle FSH ovulation (14th day) peak of LH and FSH luteal phase (15th to 28th day) function of corpus luteum LH and FSH

25 Slides slide G1 - ovarium of female HE slide G3 – ovary of rabbit HE
slide G2 – corpus luteum HE

26 G1 – Ovary of female HE

27 G3 – Ovary of rabbit HE

28 G2 – Corpus luteum

29 Uterine tube tunica mucosa – forms folds
simple columnar epi with cilia secretory cells – support of oocyte  to the uterus, in the second half on cycle ciliated cells – transport of oocyte lamina propria mucosae tunica muscularis -  to the uterus inner - circular; outer - longitudinal tunice serosa - vessel

30 Fallopian tube (Tuba uterina)


32 slide G4 - tuba uterina - isthmus slide G5 - tuba uterina - ampulla
Slides slide G4 - tuba uterina - isthmus slide G5 - tuba uterina - ampulla

33 G4 – Uterine tube – isthmus HE

34 G5 – Uterine tube – ampula HE

35 Womb (Uterus) corpus uteri isthmus uteri cervix uteri fundus uteri
portio supravaginalis portio vaginalis

36 Corpus uteri tunica seroza - perimetrium
tunica adventitia - parametrium loose connective tissue vessels + ligaments tunica muscularis - myometrium thick (15 mm), spiral longest cells in human body tunica submucosa – not present!!! tunica mucosa - endometrium

37 Endometrium simple cuboideal epithelium glandulae uterales – tubular
lamina propria – reticular fibers basal layer – more cells, more fibers functional layer

38 Menstrual cycle menstrual phase (1st – 4th day)
proliferative phase (5th – 14th day) secretory phase (15th – 28th day) ischemic phase (28th day)

39 Menstrual phase releasing of functional layer
basal layer stays in place epithelization of surface menstruation blood do not form clot – enzymes of mucosa is mix of arterial and venous blood

40 Proliferative phase influence of estrogens
hyperplasia ( count) functional layer glands elongate, narrow, no lumen at the end of proliferative phase – ovulation

41 Secretory phase influence of corpus luteum hormones
functional layer - hypertrophy ( size) glands are wave-shaped (not in apical and basal part) stratum spongiosum – wave-shaped stratum compactum - direct secret contains mucin, glycogen and lipids epithelial cells – contains glycogen and mucin arterioles elongated and get wave-shaped during nidation decidual change occurs

42 Ischemic phase contraction of arterioles – ischemia of functional layer degenerative processes stop bleeding – contraction of myometrium and vessels


44 Slides slide G6 - fundus uteri HE

45 G6 – Fundus uteri HE

46 Cervix uteri mucosa forms folds - plicae palmatae
simple columnar epithelium – produce mucus gl. cervicales uteri - mucous obliteration of ostium - ovula cervicalia (Nabothi) secret is alcalic with varios viscosity vaginal surface of cervix stratified squamous epithelium junction at orifice of cervical canal ectopy – columnar epithelium is changed into the stratified squamous - precancerous tunica muscularis - 3 layers (L, C, L)


48 slide G7 - cervix uteri HE
Slides slide G7 - cervix uteri HE


50 Vagina mucosa – folds and columns - columna rugarum, rugae
epithelium – stratified squamous (? keratinizing ?) cells produce glycogen – acid environment exfoliative cytology lamina propria – loose con. tissue no glands musculature inner - circular, outer - longitudinal adventitia – dense con. tissue, vessels, nerves

51 slide G10 - vagina HE slide G9 – vagina PAS+Hem
Slides slide G10 - vagina HE slide G9 – vagina PAS+Hem

52 G10 – Vagina HE

53 G9 – Vagina PAS+Hem

54 External genitalia labia majora labia minora
con. tissue, adipose cells outer surface – skin with hair follicles, sebaceous, apocrine and sweat glands inner – no follicles, only sebaceous glands labia minora no adipose cells, no hair follicles stratified squamous epi – slightly keratinizing sebaceous gland - smegma praeputii

55 External genitalia vestibulum vaginae clitoris bulbus vestibuli
gl. vestibulares min. – tubular glands, mucus gl. vestibulares maj. – tuboalveolar glands, mucous clitoris two cavernous bodies, surrounded by tunica albuginea stratified squamous epithelium bulbus vestibuli spongious erectile tissue

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