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Information molecules

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1 Information molecules
Nucleic acids: Information molecules

2 Nucleic Acids Examples DNA DeoxyriboNucleic Acid RNA RiboNucleic Acid

3 Nucleic Acids Function: genetic material stores information genes
blueprint for building proteins DNA  RNA  proteins DNA proteins

4 Nucleic acids 5 different nucleotides Building block = nucleotides
nucleotide – nucleotide – nucleotide – nucleotide 5 different nucleotides different nitrogen bases A, T, C, G, U Nitrogen bases I’m the A,T,C,G or U part! phosphate sugar N base

5 Nucleotide chains Nucleic acids nucleotides chained into a polymer DNA
phosphate sugar N base Nucleic acids nucleotides chained into a polymer DNA double-sided double helix A, C, G, T RNA single-sided A, C, G, U phosphate sugar N base strong bonds phosphate sugar N base phosphate sugar N base RNA


7 Deoxyribonucleic Acid
DNA Structure & Replication

8 Nitrogen Bases in DNA Four different types of bases 1. Adenine (A)
2. Guanine (G) 3. Cytosine (C) 4. Thymine (T) Base paring rules: Adenine binds to Thymine (A-T) Cytosine binds to Guanine (C-G)


10 Copying DNA Replication copy DNA
2 strands of DNA helix are complementary have one, can build other when cells divide, they must duplicate DNA exactly for the new “daughter” cells Why is this a good system?

11 Newly copied strands of DNA
DNA replication Copying DNA pairing of the bases allows each strand to serve as a pattern for a new strand The greatest understatement in biology! Newly copied strands of DNA

12 Two (of the many) enzymes needed for DNA replication
Helicase – breaks the hydrogen bonds between bases to unwind the DNA DNA polymerases – bring new nucleotides into place, proofreads new strands as they form


14 First Glimpse of DNA Franklin, trained as a chemist, was expert in deducing the structure of molecules by firing X-rays through them. Her images of DNA - disclosed without her knowledge - put Watson and Crick on the track towards the right structure. She went on to do pioneering work on the structures of viruses. . Rosalind Franklin ( )

15 Rosalind Franklin and her X-ray diffraction photo of DNA
First Glimpse of DNA Rosalind Franklin and her X-ray diffraction photo of DNA

16 The Double Helix Watson and Crick (1953) discovered the structure of DNA to be a double helix or “spiral staircase” of two strands of nucleotides twisting around a central axis. Names for DNA…double helix, twisted staircase

17 Watson and Crick … and others…
1953 | 1962

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