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Annual natural growth rates for LEDCs and MEDCs CountryBirth rate (%) Death rate (%) Infant Mortality rate (%) Annual natural growth rate (%) United Kingdom.

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Presentation on theme: "Annual natural growth rates for LEDCs and MEDCs CountryBirth rate (%) Death rate (%) Infant Mortality rate (%) Annual natural growth rate (%) United Kingdom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual natural growth rates for LEDCs and MEDCs CountryBirth rate (%) Death rate (%) Infant Mortality rate (%) Annual natural growth rate (%) United Kingdom 11.310.25.20.11 France12.894.20.38 Italy9.49.84.5-0.04 Hungary9.513.17.2-0.36 United States 13.98.570.54 Argentina198171.1 Egypt276442.1 Botswana2825600.3 Pakistan3710912.7 India258661.7 Which countries have the highest rate? The lowest rate? Why?

2 2. Increased Needs: Vital necessities (food, water, energy and medical care) Lack of resources for the largest number

3 3. Bigger Gaps: Between northern and southern countries Between southern countries who have completed their demographic transition and those who are still undergoing demographic transition

4 population pyramids graphical illustration in the form of a pyramid used to determine the overall age distribution of a population population plotted on the X-axis and age on the Y-axis Left side shows the number of males and right side shows the number of females in five-year age groups

5 Population Pyramids and Demographic Transition Stage 1: balance between birth rate and death rate, very slow increase of the population Stage 2: decline in the death rate while the birth rate remains high. Causes: improvement in food supplies and public health Stage 3: decline in the birth rate, Causes: birth control, children become an added expense for the family Stage 4: birth rate and death rate at the same level: stability of the population. Video: Demographic Transition and Population Pyramids

6 Population Pyramid India In what stage of demographic transition is India? Stage 2: expanding

7 Population Pyramid Japan 2009 In what stage of demographic transition is Japan? Stage 4: contracting

8 Annual natural growth rates for LEDCs and MEDCs CountryBirth rate (%) Death rate (%) Infant Mortality rate (%) Annual natural growth rate (%) Demographic Transition Stage United Kingdom 11.310.25.20.11 France12.894.20.38 Italy9.49.84.5-0.04 Hungary9.513.17.2-0.36 United States 13.98.570.54 Argentina198171.1 Egypt276442.1 Botswana2825600.3 Pakistan3710912.7 India258661.7 At which stage of the demographic transition are these countries?

9 Between towns and countryside: in 2010, more than 50% urban dwellers on earth (should go to 70% in 2050); population will be concentrated in cities Urbanization

10 If urbanization is stabilized in the North, it is exploding in the south Causes? Massive rural flight and natural growth rates in cities Giant agglomerations are multiplying in emerging countries. In Asia, the urban population is rising at the rate of 1 million inhabitants per week.

11 Homework for Nov 10th DM Population distribution and growth (population pyramids & population density)

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