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American Literature Agenda Tuesday (10/15/13) and Thursday (10/17/13)

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Presentation on theme: "American Literature Agenda Tuesday (10/15/13) and Thursday (10/17/13)"— Presentation transcript:

1 American Literature Agenda Tuesday (10/15/13) and Thursday (10/17/13)

2 AGENDA Bell Work: Vocabulary HOMEWORK DUE FRIDAY: Write a cohesive paragraph on a single topic you know a lot about (a sport, team, music, topic in science or history). Use the five vocabulary words we learned today. Leave blanks where the words go, allowing your Friday partner to complete the missing words in the paragraph (and to learn a little about your knowledge base). Class work: Ben Franklin (Age of Reason Superhero)






8 Age of Reason Process – What to Do 1.Prior Knowledge of Ben Franklin (small group quick share) 2.Video (11 minutes) followed by Verbal Quiz (per 1, 2 need to view) 3.Paired Reading (reciprocal reading skills practiced: reading aloud, stopping to summarize and ask two question types: 1.Clarifying: Background knowledge, vocabulary, context. 2.Curious: I wonder why….Wouldn’t the author have…. How is it that…? Product – What to Turn In Each student turns in an exit card. Your exit card, numbered 1-4 is your own writing. Numbers 1 and 3 are summaries you create after reading sections 1 and 2 in the Franklin text. Numbers 2 and 4 (C & C questions) should the work of the individual. (sample…)

9 Example Exit Card Unit 2 Early American LiteratureName: Ben Franklin Age of ReasonDate: 1. Summarize: (Read section 1, create and record a summary sentence with your partner) 2. Question: (Write a question – curious or clarifying – on your own). 3. Summarize: (Read section 2, create and record a summary sentence with your partner) 4. Question: (Read section 2, create and record a summary sentence with your partner) Unit 2 Early American LiteratureName: Ben Franklin Age of ReasonDate: 1. Summarize: (Read section 1, create and record a summary sentence with your partner) 2. Question: (Write a question – curious or clarifying – on your own). 3. Summarize: (Read section 2, create and record a summary sentence with your partner) 4. Question: (Read section 2, create and record a summary sentence with your partner)

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