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My Journey.  Grew up as a chunky kid  Always dieting as a teen and young adult  Spent a lot of my 20’s drinking and eating, lots of partying.

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Presentation on theme: "My Journey.  Grew up as a chunky kid  Always dieting as a teen and young adult  Spent a lot of my 20’s drinking and eating, lots of partying."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Journey

2  Grew up as a chunky kid  Always dieting as a teen and young adult  Spent a lot of my 20’s drinking and eating, lots of partying

3 Nope not preggers!  Went on the vitamin B diet, lost 30 lbs… mind you that was at my highest 188lbs  Settled at about 158 for a while  Went to the gym regularly  Drank on the weekends

4  We worked out at least at the same time and place, but not together while getting wedding ready  NOPE that didn’t work… must have been the stress. Got married at 167lb  After wedding got a nutritionist at the gym to help me, got to 154… very slowly but in a healthy way

5  Prego!!!!  Gained 35lbs  Blessing was gestational diabetes or I would have gained more  12/30/11  My daughter was born  Breast feeding, and the firm videos…. Got me to 145 6 mos after baby

6  Stayed between 143-149 for a while, was in a comfortable size 8… ehh happy enough at that  January 2014  Pregnant again  Gained 45 lbs.. Eek  Delivered 9/3/14  No biggie, I will breast feed  Not so easy this time!

7  Gestational Diabetes with baby # 2  BLOOD clot at 32 weeks… blood thinner via shots 2x a day for 6 weeks and 6x a day for 2 weeks  Hospital admissions  More doctor appointments  Bedrest at week 36  Anxiety… OMG  After delivery  More shots until January 2015

8  On maternity leave, 4 mos. post-partum… it was December 14 th 2014.. I saw Erica’s transformation picture and reached out  I went on my first round weighing in at 156, January 6 th 2015  The transformation began!!

9  That round was my 1 st day back at work fulltime  I have a big job, Director of a Radiology Department for a new hospital that opened while I was on leave  60 minute commute each way  Alone in the mornings to get everyone ready and to daycare… oh and I have to be at work at 7a

10  I was committed  I was fully present  I was all in  I still AM!

11  The end of my first round!!!!  Down 10lbs and 22inches  Loving my challenge group…. That was it for me! That group changed my life!!!  Erica asked me about coaching, but funny all along, I loved how she was running this group  February- March I helped her coach a few groups  I added some people on my end  My journey was consistent by slow

12  Started my own groups in April  Had about 20 people under me  A coach here and there, but they were dropping on and off, so no rank advancement

13  Weight was stuck at 141-144 April-August  I had moved on to extreme  I had tried eating the next column portions  I did two workouts a day  I added in running  UGGGG the scale doesn’t budge

14  Advanced to Emerald in July  My cousin had joined in April and results empowered her to join me  We teamed up and now have about 40 people between us  Some on shake, some not

15  I am really paying more attention to the 3 vital behaviors  I am inviting…. I need to do more, but I'm doing it  I am all about PD  I listen to the wake up calls  Watch the videos posted on PNP  I am there for my team (3 coaches now)  I am posting about the business opportunity  I am posting on FB 3-5 times a day  I have a running group and accountability group for people who are in active

16  Slow!!  I do all the right things, I think..  Check in with Erica for advice  Stay positive  Realize there are good months and bad months  TIME IS A HUGE ISSUE for me – remember work commute, two littles… we all have something going on!

17  Sunday- meal prep for week, grocery store  Monday- Friday  Up 3:59am  Workout  Make lunches for following day  Dinner for the night prepped (last minutes stuff)  Posts to my team, chanllenge group FB posts  Ready for work  Wake kids & out the door 6:10am  Drop at daycare 6:30a  At work by 7:15  Do on demand at work- abs a few days a week  Use my lunch to check in on FB, reach out to a few, friend request, check my back office  3:20 change into workout cloths/relax cloths  Leave work by 3:45, listen to some sort of PD  Get kids 4:45  Dinner for kids and myself/hubby by 5:30  Post on FB again, check in while doing mom stuff and dinner cooking, cleaning up etc  6-7 get kids settled for bed ( bath, story, prayers, bottles etc)  Some days another workout- 2x a week, a run  7-8 put them in bed  8a last FB check in post, answer questions etc.  Go to bed, asleep by 9

18  Finally moving  I stayed consistent!  I now promote and practice full programs  Finished up T25 in January  Back on Extreme  Finally 133… AT MY GOAL ( however I still think I want to lose a few more)  So happy.. OMG size for…. Maybe a 2… What???  Total loss in 1 year 23lbs, and 32inches!  Just went for my annual with the hematologist… so impressed with my physical progress, my lab work!! Its all because I didn’t quit

19  I am going to keep at it.  I am more organized  Have a list of things to do for my power hour  I get up at 3:59 each morning, get my me time in… nothing is going to stop me from working out  80/20 on food, and maintain  Continue my posts, and improve them  Get better at sharing and inviting  #1 goal is to make the list that Janelle spoke of.. A list of everyone I know  Try to get more involved with the team  Hammer and Chisel 2/1  Supper Saturday 4/2  Summit???? I hope- on wait list

20  This team  Your posts  My team under me  My challenge groups  My family  The feedback I get from people when I post my before and after  I love that I inspire others  I have never been so positive in my life  I love this… for me I am a hobby coach, in time I hope to advance, but I am truly happy balancing it all right now!


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