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Spoken Word Poetry. Spoken Word Poem REQUIRED Beginning, middle, end Beginning, middle, end Rising intensity Rising intensity At least one clear emotion.

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Presentation on theme: "Spoken Word Poetry. Spoken Word Poem REQUIRED Beginning, middle, end Beginning, middle, end Rising intensity Rising intensity At least one clear emotion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spoken Word Poetry

2 Spoken Word Poem REQUIRED Beginning, middle, end Beginning, middle, end Rising intensity Rising intensity At least one clear emotion At least one clear emotion Authenticity -- from your heart? Authenticity -- from your heart? Audience appeal -- can we relate? Audience appeal -- can we relate?

3 Spoken Word Poem Use FIVE of EIGHT Options 1. Repeat an element at least three (up to five) times, with variations 2. Rhyme at least three times at the end of a line (in the space of eight lines) 3.Echo the beginning in the ending 4. Soundplay : stretch the meaning of words by combining them for their sounds (includes alliteration and internal rhyme)

4 Slam Poetry Checklist FIVE of EIGHT 5.A switcheroo (reversal, inversion, twist) 6.A line so long you can barely say it in one breath 7.Specific imagery (literal, or metaphoric/symbolic) 8. Punchline : strongest emotion in the last line

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