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SPP Fluxgate MAG input to FIELDS Quarterly Review – 7/18/2013 Bob MacDowall, Ron Oliversen, Dave Sheppard, Scott Murphy, Jim Odom, Jack Connerney.

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Presentation on theme: "SPP Fluxgate MAG input to FIELDS Quarterly Review – 7/18/2013 Bob MacDowall, Ron Oliversen, Dave Sheppard, Scott Murphy, Jim Odom, Jack Connerney."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPP Fluxgate MAG input to FIELDS Quarterly Review – 7/18/2013 Bob MacDowall, Ron Oliversen, Dave Sheppard, Scott Murphy, Jim Odom, Jack Connerney

2 SPP MAG Status Some scheduled MAG activities have slipped; however, we are now in receipt of most information (ICDs, etc.) and materials needed, and we have a clear understanding of the path to PDR. The AC Heater (ACHE) PCBs have been laid out and procured. They will arrive next week and will be populated and tested ASAP. Macor bobbins and other procurements are nearing completion, facilitating the build up of the ETUs. Significant progress with thermal modeling for the MAG sensors has allowed a better understanding of constraints and mitigations of the thermal range; we are interested in results from Gail Martin on any additional power available. Thermal testing (-50 to +50 C) of GSE sensor (Macor base) is currently being conducted in a non-windowed thermal vacuum chamber (see photo on next slide). First goal is to determine how fast we can cycle. Design of a composite base for the ETU MAG sensors is completed. Ongoing concerns include: MAG sensor placement on boom relative to spacecraft, power, etc., available to increase low end MAG sensor temperature, alignment error budget numbers, boom harness plan, conclusion of L4 requirements & ICDs

3 MAG thermal vacuum chamber #1 Chamber shown at right permits operating over a large temperature range (order of -100 to +100 C) at < 10^-5 torr. (Same aluminum cylinder is also the “insert” for the windowed TV chambers.) Currently instrumented (8 thermistors) and being used to determine the rate at which we can cycle the MAG “GSE” sensor temperature, which has consequences for all future thermal testing. Since chamber has no windows, the sensor alignment inside chamber cannot be determined, i.e., no calibration over temperature. We can calibrate zero levels, etc., before and after thermal cycling. If they do not change, then we can conclude that calibration as a function of temperature will be possible – adequate for PDR. TVC #1 working in GSFC Mag Lab.

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