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Shoshone bannock MADDY AND RILEY. foods they eat  Deer  Fish  Elk  Buffalo  Mouse  Sheep  Berries  Nuts.

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Presentation on theme: "Shoshone bannock MADDY AND RILEY. foods they eat  Deer  Fish  Elk  Buffalo  Mouse  Sheep  Berries  Nuts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shoshone bannock MADDY AND RILEY

2 foods they eat  Deer  Fish  Elk  Buffalo  Mouse  Sheep  Berries  Nuts

3 tools the used  tools they used like Nets, spears, harpoons, and lots more.

4 This is one of there shelter.

5 clothing women wore  Things women wore were Leggings dresses and lots more.

6 their religion  They used dream and vision to communicate with helpful spirits.

7 This is one of their foods they ate.

8 Their shelter  Some lived in teepees and structures made of sage brush, grass and more.

9  Clothing men wore Leggings fringed shirts,and more clothing men wore

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