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Monte Carlo Photoionization Simulations of Diffuse Ionized Gas Kenneth Wood University of St Andrews In collaboration with John Mathis, Barbara Ercolano,

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Presentation on theme: "Monte Carlo Photoionization Simulations of Diffuse Ionized Gas Kenneth Wood University of St Andrews In collaboration with John Mathis, Barbara Ercolano,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monte Carlo Photoionization Simulations of Diffuse Ionized Gas Kenneth Wood University of St Andrews In collaboration with John Mathis, Barbara Ercolano, Ron Reynolds, Torsten Elwert, Matt Haffner, Greg Madsen

2 Milky Way’s DIG: Recap Wisconsin H  Mapper: DIG everywhere n(z) ~ 0.2 exp(-|z|/H) cm -3, ff ~ 0.2 H ~ 1 kpc, if isothermal T ~ 8000 K Reynolds, Tufte, Haffner, Madsen,…

3 Line Ratios: Physical Conditions [N II]/H  increases with height => T increases Problem for spherically averaged models Extra heating (Reynolds et al. 1999) Haffner et al. (1999) HH [N II]/H  [S II]/H  [S II]/[N II]

4 Scatter Plots [N II]/H  large where H  faint Note tightness of correlation Haffner et al. (1999) [N II]/H  H  (R) [S II]/H  [N II]/H 

5 Need 3D Photoionization Codes

6 Monte Carlo Photoionization Wood, Mathis, & Ercolano (2004) 3D density structure and radiation transfer Ions: H, He, C, N, O, Ne, S Stellar and diffuse photons in Cartesian grid Input: ionizing spectrum from source(s) Output: 3D temperature & ionization structure Emissivities, emission line maps, line ratios See also:Och, Lucy, Rosa (1998) Ercolano et al. (2003)

7 Lexington H II Benchmarks T * =40000K, Q(H)=4.26E49 s -1, n(H)=100 cm -3 + Monte Carlo ( CLOUDY

8 2D Ionization & Temperature Point source, Q = 6 10 49 s -1, n(z) ~ exp(-|z|/H) Slices through grid in x-z plane Temperature rises away from source Wood & Mathis (2004) z (kpc)

9 2D Models: Line Ratios [N II]/H , [S II]/H  increase with height Highest energy photons penetrate to high z Harder radiation field at large distances from source Wood & Mathis (2004) z (kpc)

10 Scatter Plots 1D models predict tight correlation: each sightline samples same temperature and ionization structure Elwert & Dettmar (2004) [N II]/H  H  (R)

11 2D models show scatter: sightlines probe different temperatures and ionization Slope change in [S II]/H  – [N II]/H  : interfaces, not seen in Milky Way’s DIG Wood & Mathis (2004)

12 Scatter Plots: 3D Structure? Multiple sources with different spectra 3D Density structure Strategy:Planar emission at z = 0 Repeating boundariesin x, y Smooth and two-phase densities Vary Q, n(z) to fit H  (z) What is [N II]/H , extra heating?

13 Two Phase Density Dense grid cells with filling factor 0.01 < ff < 1 Minimum “clump” size set by grid resolution

14 Smooth Model n(z) = 0.1 exp(-|z|/1.3) Large Q to ionize grid: high ionization parameter N mostly N ++ at low z: [N II]/H  too low at large H 

15 Clumpy Models Decrease ff => lower U => less N ++ => higher [N II]/H  ff =80% ff =40% ff =10%ff =5%

16 Summary Photoionization heating explains most line ratios Extra heating ~ 10 -25 n e erg cm -3 s -1 for largest line ratios, [N II]/H  Smooth models: too low [N II]/H  at large H  Clumpy models with ff ~ 0.2 look good Caution: 3D Toy Model!

17 Future Work More 3D models: lots of parameter space Apply this to WHAM B star H II regions Constrain models with additional WHAM data: [S II], [O I], [O II], [O III], He I Need S dielectronic recombination rates Merge 3D photoionization with MHD…

18 Future Work Take 3D density from MHD simulation 3D ionization simulation Density from De Avillez & Berry (2001) log n

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