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5 th grade Social Studies GLCE: 5-U1.2.1 Explain the technological, and political developments that made sea exploration possible 5-U1.2.2 Use case studies.

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Presentation on theme: "5 th grade Social Studies GLCE: 5-U1.2.1 Explain the technological, and political developments that made sea exploration possible 5-U1.2.2 Use case studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 th grade Social Studies GLCE: 5-U1.2.1 Explain the technological, and political developments that made sea exploration possible 5-U1.2.2 Use case studies of individual explorers and stories of life in Europe to compare the goals, obstacles, motivations, and consequences for European exploration and colonization of the America’s By: Anna Damstra

2 Books: Describes the life of Columbus and his discoveries in the New World This book explains the struggles Columbus had trying to finance his voyages. And goes into great detail about the vessels, methods of sailing, and like on the ships. Also has great maps and pictures of the voyage.

3  Explains the New world and its land. Describes the trials and resources that were in the New world.  Samuel de Champlain discovered the Great Lakes and Quebec

4 Poems, Songs, and Music Columbus By Joaquin Miller *Great poem to act out as a class. The Nina, The Pinta, The Santa Maria by Ben Stiefel es/theninathepintathesantamaria.php *a song about the 3 main vessels used for European exploration. Masque Dance By Thomas Lupo

5 Artwork An astrolabe, was used for surveying, and figuring out time using location via latitude and longitude. The Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria Give students an idea of what the New World looked like to explorers.

6 Videos -1492 - Conquest of Paradise - The new world -13 Colonies: America the Story of Us -Venturing to the new world -Turning Point in Exploration

7 Maps A map of the World in the 1500’s

8 A map of the different paths taken by different explorers in the European exploration.

9 Websites

10 Bibliography The European Explorers (1998). In Kidport Reference Library. Retrieved November 18, 2012 The European Explorers (2003). In Explorers of the New World. Retrieved November 18, 2012 European Explorers (2009). In Explorers. Retrieved November 18, 2012, from Stiefel, B. (2002). The Nina, The Pinta, The Santa Maria. In Songs for Teaching. Retrieved November 19, 2012 Boilon, S. (2006, March 3). An Adventure to the New World. Retrieved November 18, 2012 Scholastic Inc. (2012). Venturing to the New World. In Scholastic Videos. Retrieved November 17, 2012

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