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王卓. Agenda Overview People Tools Overview Taint analysis 主要原理 : 将来自于网络等不被信任的渠道的数据都会被标 记为 “ 被污染 ” 的,由此产生的一系列算术和逻辑操作新生 成的数据也会继承源数据的 “ 是否被 污染 ” 的属性。然后根.

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Presentation on theme: "王卓. Agenda Overview People Tools Overview Taint analysis 主要原理 : 将来自于网络等不被信任的渠道的数据都会被标 记为 “ 被污染 ” 的,由此产生的一系列算术和逻辑操作新生 成的数据也会继承源数据的 “ 是否被 污染 ” 的属性。然后根."— Presentation transcript:

1 王卓

2 Agenda Overview People Tools

3 Overview Taint analysis 主要原理 : 将来自于网络等不被信任的渠道的数据都会被标 记为 “ 被污染 ” 的,由此产生的一系列算术和逻辑操作新生 成的数据也会继承源数据的 “ 是否被 污染 ” 的属性。然后根 据指令的操作数或者函数参数的污染状态查找软件漏洞。

4 相关论文

5 Dawn Song Associate Professor Computer Science Division University of California, Berkeley Panorama: capturing system-wide information flow for malware detection and analysis Dynamic Taint Analysis for Automatic Detection, Analysis, and Signature Generation of Exploits on Commodity Software

6 Omer Tripp a PhD candidate at Tel-Aviv University TAJ: Effective Taint Analysis of Web Applications PLDI 09 Learning Minimal Abstractions POPL2011

7 James Clause An assistant professor at the University of Delaware. Research interests: software engineering with emphasis on debugging and program analysis Penumbra: automatically identifying failure- relevant inputs using dynamic tainting ISSTA09 Dytan ISSTA2007 Effective memory protection using dynamic tainting ASE07

8 Tielei Wang 北京大学计算机科学技术研究所 TaintScope: A Checksum-Aware Directed Fuzzing Tool for Automatic Software Vulnerability Detection IEEE S&P IntScope: Automatically Detecting Integer Overflow Vulnerability in X86 Binary Using Symbolic Execution NDSS2009

9 Taintcheck Author: James Newsome, Dawn Song Dynamic Taint Analysis for Automatic Detection, Analysis, and Signature Generation of Exploits on Commodity Software NDSS05 The first practical taint tool. Based on Valgrind.

10 LIFT LIFT: A Low-Overhead Practical Information Flow Tracking System for Detecting Security Attacks Feng Qin, Ohio State University Cheng Wang, Intel Corporation Zhenmin Li, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign A low-overhead attack discoverer.: 1.Fast Path 2.Merged Check 3.Fast Switch

11 Dytan Dytan: A Generic Dynamic Taint Analysis Framework ISSTA 2007 James Clause, Wanchun (Paul) Li, and Alessandro Orso Highlight: Control flow Taint

12 Buzzfuzz Taint-based Directed Whitebox Fuzzing ICSE2009 Vijay Ganesh and Tim Leek and Martin Rinard MIT Using taint analysis to direct fuzzing.


14 TaintScope TaintScope: A Checksum-Aware Directed Fuzzing Tool for Automatic Software Vulnerability Detection Tielei Wang, Tao Wei1, Guofei Gu, Wei Zou Key words: Fuzzing, Taint analysis, Symbolic execution The approach: (1) byte analysis (2) checksum information



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