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Meeting the operational criteria in Norway - through the reform of the Food Safety Administration byJoakim Lystad Director General The Norwegian Food Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting the operational criteria in Norway - through the reform of the Food Safety Administration byJoakim Lystad Director General The Norwegian Food Safety."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting the operational criteria in Norway - through the reform of the Food Safety Administration byJoakim Lystad Director General The Norwegian Food Safety Authority

2 The four elements of the reform : 1.New Food Safety Authority 2.Scientific support 3.New Food Law 4.The responsibility of the Food Ministries

3 Seafood activities of The Directorate of Fisheries 1. New Food Safety Authority – merging bodies Approximately 1300 employees! 89 Municipal Food Control Authorities The Norwegian Agricultural Inspection Service The Norwegian Food Control Authority The Norwegian Animal Health Authority

4 1. New Food Safety Authority Cover the whole country and the full food chain Of which 5 also are doing natio- nal activities

5 Safe food and drinking water Healthy plants, fish and animals Ethically acceptable animal and fish welfare Environmentally friendly production High quality and honest production and trade Innovation and progress within the food sector 1. New Food Safety Authority (o ur goals) We shall ourselves be a Modern and effective organisation We shall influence the responsible operators to obtain:

6 1. New Food Safety Authority (Our tasks) Prepare and draft regulations Inform on legislation and regulations Perform risk based compliance monitoring and enforcement Monitor the food safety, plant, fish and animal health situation and development Perform contingency planning and training

7 2. Scientific support Scientific committee: Risk assessment Food Safety Authority: Risk management Research institutes: Assessment and advice Laboratories: Analyses

8 2. Risk analysis Management Food Safety Authority Ministries Communication Scientific commitee Food Safety Authority Ministries Assessment Scientific commitee (Depending on the Situation)

9 3. New Food Law New Food Law – merging 13 laws from relevant sectors In addition the Authority administer: Animal Welfare Act Veterinary and other animal personell act Cosmetic Products Act Act on Medicinal Products etc

10 3. New Food Law (our enforcements tools) We can: Require action Act ourselves Impose daily / weekly /.. fines Close business until action is taken Close business up to 6 months Actively inform the public The courts can give: Penalty

11 4. The responsibility of the Food Ministries Norwegian Food Safety Authority Ministry of Health Ministry of Agriculture (Administratively responsible) Ministry of Fisheries

12 The reform of the Food Safety Administration Constitutional responsibility clarified Legal power established and strengthened Scientific support organised Operational bodies in place Enables us to meet the operational requirements

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