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The Rise and Decline of Republican Rome 500 – 27 BCE.

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1 The Rise and Decline of Republican Rome 500 – 27 BCE

2 Overview Republican Social Organization Republican Political Institutions The Impact of Growth

3 Background The Romans deposed their last king, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, around 509 BCE when (according to legend) the king’s son, Sextus Tarquinius, raped the Roman noblewoman Lucretia After extracting an oath of vengeance from her husband and her son, Lucretia committed suicide Lucretia’s tragic story has been retold by poets and artists, including Shakespeare and Rembrandt (whose painting is on the next page)

4 Social Organization Early Roman society was clearly divided into two distinct castes: plebeians and patricians During the fifth century BCE the plebeians agitated for and obtained increasing representation in political institutions One of the key points in this struggle was the plebeians succession from the city around 450 BCE; they left the city and refused to take part in the commerce and daily life of the city until the patricians met their demands to publish the laws For centuries after 450 the patrician bias against plebeians remained; however, after 400 the division was increasingly clouded by the emergence of another social group the equites or equestrian order (knights)

5 Social Organization Patrician - a closed group of approximately 130 families that claimed ancient privileges, occupied key religious and political positions, and wore distinctive clothing Plebeian - the common people i.e. non-patricians Equites – literally the knights, the equestrian order was initially an elite patrician group in the military whose equipment the city purchased; gradually during the 300s BCE wealthy plebeians were allowed to join at their own expense; over time the equites become a distinct group in Roman society; they were generally wealthy and occupied influential positions (but not in the Senate) in the late republican and imperial government

6 Social Organization Clientela - –social networks that that provide protection and political representation to weaker families in society in exchange for loyalty and services rendered to the “godfather” –men in positions of power attracted the loyalty and services of those who sought protection or legal influence –As the population of Rome increased during the 200s BCE, the clientela became less effective as masses of poor people never attached themselves to patronage networks

7 Increasing influence of Plebeians 500 – 450: establishment of tribunes to protect plebeian interests 458: Cincinnatus, a citizen farmer and likely plebeian, serves a brief period as “emperor” to rescue a consular army 367: at least one of the consuls had to be plebeian 287: Plebeian Assembly passes legislation that is binding on all Romans

8 The Twelve Tables c. 450 BCE Produced when the plebeians temporarily seceded from Rome after violence committed by patrician male against plebeian woman Legal document demanded by the plebeians because legal judgements up till then had been rendered on unwritten customs that favored patricians not a reforming or liberalizing document; instead the Tables publicized the privileges of the patricians –recognized the validity of debt bondage only portions of the Tables remain and much of what we know of them comes from later restatements It took two more centuries for the plebeians to gain the right to make laws in the Assembly

9 Discussion of the Twelve Tables What are some the main concerns of the laws? What is not mentioned in them? Which types of behavior receive the stiffest penalties? What do the laws suggest about the nature of Roman political institutions? What do the Tables tell us about families in Republican Rome?

10 Political Culture in Republican Rome For most of the Republican period, Roman customs and laws were decidedly agrarian; the culture reflected the profound influence of middle class citizen-farmers who lived just outside of the city and who had an abiding distrust of concentrated power; they consciously limited the terms of office, created offices that shared power, and separated powers among various positions Offices were restricted to the rich because no one received payment for public service The competition for power between plebeians and patricians created a culture that valued highly the quest for political office

11 Political Institutions The period of brutal kingship instilled a deep distrust of power among the Romans, who consciously separate powers Republican political institutions –consuls - 2 men; leaders in war and the executive branch –the senate - becomes the most enduring feature of Roman government controlled money and occasionally serves as a court composed of patricians initially 100 senators but gradually the number grows to 300 Julius Caesar tried and failed to increase the number to 900 met daily and had enormous prestige They did not legislate but advised other political bodies; their advice often had the force of law

12 Political Institutions As Plebeians gained more influence, they demanded new offices to handle special situations –tribune - protectors of the plebeians; exercised veto power to block elections, block passage of new or suspend old laws, etc.. –praetor - originally a judge but in mid 4th century BCE they assumed executive authority in the consuls’ absence; eventually they become chief magistrates in the provinces –quaestors - specialized in financial matters, such as paying the army, collecting taxes, and building roads; as the republic grew, the number of quaestors multiplied, some becoming quartermaster for the troops

13 Political Institutions During the Republic, the Romans developed a fairly well defined path for political advancement –Military service for 10 years –Quaestor –Aedile (maintenance of city infrastructure) –Praetor –Consul Ex consuls often served as censors Election to the Senate was for life

14 Political Institutions Tribunes –Could veto legislation, block elections, and contradict the advice of the Senate –Were special representatives of the plebeians –First came about during the fifth century as tension between patricians and plebeians was at its height –The ten tribunes were protectors of the plebeians –The plebeians were sworn to protect the tribunes from any physical harm –The same term is used for infantry commanders within the Roman legions

15 Political Institutions The Assemblies –Various complex groupings that varied in size and composition –Passed legislation, held elections, and occasionally acted as courts of law –Met outdoors and did not allow discussion, only voting –Gatherings of assemblies were usually preceded by public speeches –Generally aristocratic neighborhoods had smaller assemblies but with the same or more influence than the poorer neighborhoods –Eventually, by 287 BCE, the Plebeian Assembly became the most powerful in Rome with its laws binding on all Romans

16 The Impact of Growth The Romans conquered their Latin Neighbors during the 490s BCE They spent the next 100 years fighting their Etruscan neighbors to the north Although difficult for the Romans, these conquests did not undermine the stability of Roman social and political organizations In 387 The Celts (Gauls) sacked Rome and provided a justification for pre-emptive attacks that became the hallmark of Roman military strategy for the next 400 years To facilitate the rapid deployment of troops throughout the Italian peninsula, the Romans built high quality networks extending from Rome to the rest of the peninsula

17 Conquest 400-250 BCE First major conquest occurred in early fourth century Between that victory and 220 BCE, the Romans gained control of all of the Italian peninsula; their peace terms varied significantly –enslavement –grants of partial citizenship –alliances All conquered peoples were required to provide military aid in time of need; Rome did not tax its Italian subjects Wars of aggression were presented to the people as – necessary for the defense of the republic –a sign of the gods’ favor for Rome

18 Conquest 400-250 BCE Military demands increasingly transformed the nature of the Roman political and social institutions –As the Wars of Conquest demanded longer terms of service from the citizen farmers, it became increasingly difficult for the small farmers to sustain viable living in agriculture; large numbers of families moved into the city of Rome as wealthy Senators purchased farms and assembled large slave labor estates called latifundia –Gradually the republic lost much of its middle class and developed a class of urban poor who relied on public distribution of bread to survive

19 Summary The competition for power between plebeians and patricians created a culture that highly valued public service for the advancement of the republic Careful to divide power among various officials the Romans created a complex political network of offices that required cooperation in order to function effectively However, as the territory held by the republic grew dramatically, challenges to republican political and social organization mounted During the Renaissance and Enlightenment political theorists and historians would look upon the period of the republic as a golden age of governance

20 Why were the Founding Fathers of the US interested in Rome? What evidence underscores their interest in Rome? What was the difference between the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire?


22 Tacitus 56-117 CE

23 Rome and its Neighbors c. 500 BCE

24 Etruscan Tombs

25 Banquet Scene from Etruscan Tomb

26 The Pantheon

27 Coin from Republican Rome c. 270 BCE


29 Rape of the Sabines – Nicholas Poussin c. 1635

30 Rape of Lucretia by Titian c. 1571

31 Death of Lucretia by Sandro Botticelli c. 1500



34 The Oath of the Horatii – Patriotic Duty

35 Lictors Bring Bodies of Brutus’s Sons

36 Ancient Rome

37 Roman Expansion c. 400 BCE


39 Unification of Italy 450-250

40 Samnites

41 Roman Roads c. 200 BCE


43 Centurion

44 Legatus



47 Cornicen Legionary

48 Standard bearers:  Signifer & Aquilifer 

49  Auxiliary & Legionary 

50 Equipment of Roman Legionary

51 The Alps

52 Samnites

53 Roman Roads c. 200 BCE


55 Hamlicar Barca “Hannibal” Carthaginian General of Second Punic War 218-201 BCE

56 Hannibal Crossing the Alps.


58 Tiberius and Caius Gracchus

59 Gaius Marius Lucius Sulla 157 – 86 BCE 138 - 78 BCE


61 Gaius Julius Caesar 100-44 BCE

62 Tacitus’s Agricola is a … A.Biography about his father-in-law B.Examination of Roman military practices C.Investigation of Roman agriculture D.Refutation of pagan religions

63 Tacitus Germania is an attempt to A.Generate hatred of non-Romans B.Blatantly express his political views about the emperor C.Provide a cultural understanding of Rome’s enemies to the North D.suggest vacation ideas, such as travel to Baden-Baden

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