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Starters: Everyday Edits September 14-18. Levi Strauss Heads West In 1850, Levi Strauss were one of many U.S. immigrants whom headed west. Many traveled.

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Presentation on theme: "Starters: Everyday Edits September 14-18. Levi Strauss Heads West In 1850, Levi Strauss were one of many U.S. immigrants whom headed west. Many traveled."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starters: Everyday Edits September 14-18

2 Levi Strauss Heads West In 1850, Levi Strauss were one of many U.S. immigrants whom headed west. Many traveled in search of gold. Strauss had other plan's. He hope to open a store he carried with him a large supply of blew canvas called denim. He thot gold hunters would need the sturdy material to make tents. Instead, he found they needed sturdy work close so he used the denim to stitch together the first pair of "Levi's jeans."

3 Jesse Owens Who set 11 world record's in track and field. Jesse Owens, an American athlete who was born on September 12, 1913 did that and much more. One day while Jesse was in college, he broke five world records and tyed another. All that happened in just 45 minits! In 1936, Jesse competed at the Olympic Games in berlin, germany. He won for gold medels there. Jesse were awarded the Medal of Freedom by president Ford in 1976.

4 U.S.-Africa Capital Connection Did you know that the capital of one african country is named for a US President. Monrovia, Liberia's capital, city, is name for America's fifth president, James Monroe. When Monroe was president, some U.S. slaves were being freed. They were returned to Africa where they set up a colony call Monrovia. Twentyfive year later, the colony became the independent country of Liberia and Monrovia was it's capital city.

5 President James Madison James Madison, the forth president of the United States was born on March 16, 1751. He is considered the “Father of the Constitution because he created the plan on which our nations Constitution was writen. When his friend Thomas Jefferson was President, Madison served as secretary of state. He surprized the nation when he married bubbly Dolly Payne Todd she be came one of the most popular and best-loved first ladies.

6 "Iceman," the Mummy When he was discover on September 19 1991, Iceman wore a coat of grass and shoes made from the skins of bare and dear. Scientist who examined samples from the mummy say he is about 5,300 years old. They found signs of his last meal, which consisted of wheat bred and some meet, in his stomach Iceman is now on display at South Tyrol museum of Archaeology in Italy. The exhibit is keep at a constant temperature of 21 degrees.

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