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Our CFI Inquiry Team Work for 2007-2008 June 9, 2008 Presenters: Debra Maldonado, Network Leader Sumita Kaufhold, Senior Achievement Facilitator Andrea.

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Presentation on theme: "Our CFI Inquiry Team Work for 2007-2008 June 9, 2008 Presenters: Debra Maldonado, Network Leader Sumita Kaufhold, Senior Achievement Facilitator Andrea."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our CFI Inquiry Team Work for 2007-2008 June 9, 2008 Presenters: Debra Maldonado, Network Leader Sumita Kaufhold, Senior Achievement Facilitator Andrea Majied Yard, Assistant Principal/Data Specialist

2 649 students Grades 6-8 GENDER 50% male 50% female ETHNICITY 62% Black 34% Hispanic 2% White 2% Asian / Pac. Islander ACCOUNTABILITY 12% ELL (LEP) 18% SWD (IEP) Academics Did not make 07’ AYP in ELA Who is our target population? 20 students Grade 7 GENDER 10 male 10 female ETHNICITY 11% Black 9% Hispanic ACCOUNTABILITY 4 ELL (LEP) 6 SWD (IEP) Lowest 1/3 in ELA Academics 2006-2007 ELA Scale Score Range 599-625 (Low Level 2’s) 5 Holdovers


4 School Wide Focus Content: ELA Proficiency Range: NYS 3rd-8th ELA Tests Performance 2.00-2.50 School Wide Focus Content: ELA Proficiency Range: NYS 3rd-8th ELA Tests Performance 2.00-2.50 Target Population Skill: Reading Sub-skill: Comprehension Outcome that identified a target population student: All students scored in the lowest performing one-third of our student population on the 2007 ELA exam. Target Population Skill: Reading Sub-skill: Comprehension Outcome that identified a target population student: All students scored in the lowest performing one-third of our student population on the 2007 ELA exam. JUNE 2008 GOAL Our Inquiry Team worked with 7th graders who scored within the low Level 2 range on the 2007 ELA exam and required targeted work in reading comprehension; particularly the subskills of finding word meaning in context and drawing conclusions and making inferences. Using the Predictive assessment in ACUITY as a "pre-test", our goal was for our students to improve upon their overall performance on the June 2008 ACUITY Predictive exam by 5-10 percentage points. JUNE 2008 GOAL Our Inquiry Team worked with 7th graders who scored within the low Level 2 range on the 2007 ELA exam and required targeted work in reading comprehension; particularly the subskills of finding word meaning in context and drawing conclusions and making inferences. Using the Predictive assessment in ACUITY as a "pre-test", our goal was for our students to improve upon their overall performance on the June 2008 ACUITY Predictive exam by 5-10 percentage points. Process for monitoring progress: Diagnostic and Predictive Assessment, Four times

5 Weekly Inquiry Team Meetings 3 teachers, 2 Assistant Principals Adopt-A-Child ProgramWeekly Inquiry Team Focus Group TutorialQualitative Data Collection and AnalysisQuantitative Data Collection and AnalysisLow Inference ObservationsImplementation of Organization and Instructional StrategiesUse of ACUITY Instructional toolsParent OutreachSpecial Projects and Goal setting Student needs Data


7 Inquiry Team Focus Group 2008 ELA Results Summary Inquiry Team Focus Group 2008 ELA Results Summary  19 of the 20 or 95% of students made upward gains in scale scores  10 of the 20 or 50% of students made exemplary gains of.5 or more  4 of the 20 or 20% of students increased from a low to mid Level 2 to Level 3  19 of the 20 or 95% of students made upward gains in scale scores  10 of the 20 or 50% of students made exemplary gains of.5 or more  4 of the 20 or 20% of students increased from a low to mid Level 2 to Level 3


9 1.How do you infuse the CFI inquiry work into the content curriculum in a seamless manner? 2.Going forward, how can we more appropriately select inquiry team members to have a greater impact on the successes of the inquiry work for the next year? 3.How can a school sustain and continue the successful strategies implemented this year by the Inquiry Teams in lieu of the budgetary cuts?

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