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“Mienh hnyouv nzauh faanh se hnangv ga’naaiv buix nor ngatv jienv hniev haic. Mv baac yietc joux kuv waac bun ninh nyei hnyouv haiz longx nzengc (Congh.

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Presentation on theme: "“Mienh hnyouv nzauh faanh se hnangv ga’naaiv buix nor ngatv jienv hniev haic. Mv baac yietc joux kuv waac bun ninh nyei hnyouv haiz longx nzengc (Congh."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Mienh hnyouv nzauh faanh se hnangv ga’naaiv buix nor ngatv jienv hniev haic. Mv baac yietc joux kuv waac bun ninh nyei hnyouv haiz longx nzengc (Congh Mengh Waac 12:25). “Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, But a good word makes it glad” (Proverbs 12:25) Kuonx Hnyouv Nyei Sic

2 Some Personality Traits of the DEPRESSED Haiz kuonx hnyouv – Anxiety Haiz hnyouv maiv henh – pessimism Haiz mungh longh – lethargy Hnamv haaix nyungc yaac haiz mv maaih jaax- zinh – sense of futility. Haiz ganh maiv lamh longc – feeling useless Haiz maiv lamh hnamv dorngx – feeling hopeless Haiz mv maaih dorngx bangc – feeling helpless Haiz ganh dorngc – guilt Biux Mengh Waac - Introduction

3 Zoux Bun M’nqorngv-Famv Waaic Nyei Jauv Nzauh – Worry. Qiex jiez – Anger. Mauv ga’naaiv – Greedy. Kuonx Hnyouv Seix Zangc Nyei Jauv – Anxiety. Ceng-hlo – Proud. Nzorng mienh – Hatred. Nouz mienh – Mad. Buov in – Using Drug. Hopv Diuv – Drinking Alcohol. Buov in-mbiaatc – Smoking

4 Qiex nyei m’nqorngv-famv – The Anger Brain

5 Depression Cause Brain Tumors

6 M’nqorngv-Faamv Hnangv Haaix Nor Zoux Gong Gorngv waac jauv Gunv sin zangc nyei jauv Hnomv nziaau nyei jauv Haiz waac nyei jauv Hluo haiz nyei jauv Seix mueix nyei jauv Mangc buatc nyei jauv Hmien-minc nyei jauv Sin haiz nyei jauv Gorngv waac nyei jauv Doqc sou nyei jauv

7 Smoking; Drinking Alcohol; Used Drugs Brain

8 Normal Brain

9 Smoking, Drinking Alcohol, Using Drugs, Cause Your Lungs Like This

10 Maiv haih hnamv maiv tong – inability to concentrate Maiv oix ko^lo maiv oix zoux haaix nyungc – apathy Yiem weic jiex daaih nyei sic hnangv – living in the past Mangc wuov ndangc nyei sic se buatc hnangv maaih mouc ormx jienv nor – dim view of the future Haiz maengc yiem naaiv seix zangc mv maaih jaax-zinh bun mbuo – the feeling that life is not really worth living

11 I. Statistics 15% maaih kuonx hnyouv nyei mienh oix hoic ganh nyei maengc daic. 15% of depressed people will commit suicide

12 Yiem Meiv Guoqv maaih 18.8 ziux nyei mienh maaih kuonx hnyouv fai nzauh nyei sic. Domh mienh maaih leih maiv duqv 9.5%. Yiem mienh lunx mienh hnyouv jeiv 18 hnyaangx caux gauh gox deix nyei mienh. Depressive disorders affect approximately 18.8 million American adults or about 9.5% of the U.S. population age 18 and older in a given year.

13 Nzauh kuonx hnyouv nyei jauv se benx da’nyeic nyungc hlo jiex nyei baengc yiem hnyouv daix mienh nyei gaeng, 2020 – caux hoqc taux mienh butv kuonx hnyouv nyei baengc nyei mienh biux mengh taux kuonx hnyouv nyei jauv se zoux bun mbuo nyei nziaamv-jauv zaeqv. Depression will be the second largest killer after heart disease by 2020 -- and studies show depression is a contributory factor to fatal coronary disease.

14 The Cause of Depression 1.Hmuangv doic – Family problems 2.Ndortv gong – Lost Job. 3.Leih cai doic – Divorce. 4.Qiex jiez – Anger. 5.Nzauh – Worry.

15 “Hnyouv maaih njien-youh se hnangv longx haic nyei ndie nor. Mv baac hnyouv maaih nzauh nyei jauv se zoux bun mienh nyei mbungv nqaai” (Congh Mengh Waac 17:22). “A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones.” (Proverbs 17:22).

16 II. Growing Skepticism Nzauh kuonx hnyouv nyei ndie haih tengx duqv se deix baav jiex daaih nyei ziangh hoc hnangv. Antidepressant drug effects may be far smaller than previously assumed.

17 Maiv maaih zorng-zengx haih hiuv taux m’nqorngv-faamv hnamv nyei jauv fai nzauh kuonx hnyouv nyei jauv hnangv haaix nor. There is no persuasive or consistent evidence that a deficiency of brain serotonin causes depression or that an increase in brain serotonin relieves depression.

18 Nyaanh nyei qaqv caux oix baamh gen nyei mengh dauh jauv yaac haih zoux bun meih butv m’nqorngv-famv nyei baengc. Powerful financial and political interests may cause depression or mental sickness.

19 Dongh zorc m’nqorngv-famv nyei mienh biux mengh bun mienh hiuv gorngv longx nyei jauv se tengx jaev nzauh nyei ndie haih tengx duqv deix baav dongh mienh maaih kuonx hnyouv fai nzauh nyei jauv, se gorngv buangv zuqc nor, gauh longx se oix zuqc lorz jauv dangv maiv bun jaa kouv mingh. Psychotherapy appears to be as effective as antidepressants in treating acute episodes of depression, even if severe, and is better at preventing relapse.

20 Zorc m’nqorngv-famv nyei buangh taux zuqc diev kouv nzauh kouv nyei mienh camv nyei yiem ninh mbuo nyei m’nqorngv-famv caux ga’qiex nyei jauv. Nzauh kuonx hnyouv nyei jauv yietc zungv se yiem ga’qiex nyei jauv daaih. “Psychiatrists see more people suffering from depression than from all other emotional problems put together”

21 III. BIBLE CHARACTERS HIT WITH DEPRESSION Mose gorngv, “Yie ganh nduqc laanh mienh hnangv, ndaam maiv dongz naaiv deix mienh camv. Yie haiz ba'laqc hniev haic. Se gorngv Ziouv oix hnangv naaiv nor zoux bun yie, yaac se gorngv Ziouv buangv eix yie, tov bun yie ih zanc zuqc daic, yie ziouc maiv zuqc buatc yie ganh nyei kouv-zingh.” (Saauv Mienh 11:14-15). Moses said, "I am not able to bear all these people alone, because the burden is too heavy for me. If You treat me like this, please kill me here and now—if I have found favor in Your sight—and do not let me see my wretchedness!" (Num. 11:14-15)

22 BIBLE CHARACTERS HIT WITH DEPRESSION Ging-Sou Gorngv Mienh Maaih Kuonx Hnyouv Nyei Jauv. Moses (Num. 11:14, 15) Saul (1 Sam. 16:14-23)

23 BIBLE CHARACTERS HIT WITH DEPRESSION Moses (Num. 11:14, 15) Saul (1 Sam. 16:14-23) Elijah (1 Kin. 19:1-18)

24 BIBLE CHARACTERS HIT WITH DEPRESSION Moses (Num. 11:14, 15) Saul (1 Sam. 16:14-23) Elijah (1 Kin. 19:1-18) Job “My soul loathes my life; I will give free course to my complaint, I will speak in the bitterness of my soul” (Job. 10:1)

25 BIBLE CHARACTERS HIT WITH DEPRESSION Moses (Num. 11:14, 15) Saul (1 Sam. 16:14-23) Elijah (1 Kin. 19:1-18) Job (Job. 10:1) David (Ps. 31:9-16)

26 BIBLE CHARACTERS HIT WITH DEPRESSION Moses (Num. 11:14, 15) Saul (1 Sam. 16:14-23) Elijah (1 Kin. 19:1-18) Job (Job. 10:1) David (Ps. 31:9-16) Jeremiah (Jer. 15:10; 20:14-18)

27 Dealing With Depression is Done in Christ 1. recall “Fruit of the Spirit” – Joy, Peace & Self-control (Gal. 5:22) 2. “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. “(Jn. 16:33, NKJV) 3.Blessed are those who do His commandments...” (Rev. 22:14, NKJV)

28 HAPPINESS IS A CHOICE! “Most people are about as happy as they choose to be” (Abraham Lincoln)

29 UNBELIEVERS CLAIM THAT THEY ARE CHOOSING HAPPINESS ossessions Luke 12:15: “And He said to them, ‘Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.” Yesu gorngv mbuox zuangx mienh, ‘‘Oix zuqc faix fim. Maiv dungx zoux hnyouv hlo mauv haaix nyungc. Maiv gunv ndongc haaix butv zoih, zien maengc maiv zeiz yiem naaiv deix ga'naaiv.’

30 Haggai 1:6: “You have sown much, and bring in little; You eat, but do not have enough; You drink, but you are not filled with drink; You clothe yourselves, but no one is warm; And he who earns wages, Earns wages to put into a bag with holes” 6 Meih mbuo zuangx camv mv baac duqv siou zoqc. Meih mbuo duqv nyanc mv baac yietc liuz maiv beuv. Duqv hopv mv baac yietc liuz maiv gaux. Meih mbuo duqv lui-houx zuqv mv baac maiv maaih haaix dauh siouv. Haaix dauh duqv gong-zinh yaac maiv gaux yungz maengc.

31 Proverbs 13:7: “There is one who makes himself rich, yet has nothing; And one who makes himself poor, yet has great riches” (NKJV) Congh Mengh 13:7 “Maaih dauh zoux hnangv butv-zoih mv baac maiv maaih haaix nyungc, maaih dauh zoux hnangv jomc, mv baac maaih zinh-zoih camv.

32 Hoqc m’nqorngv –famv nyei mienh duqv buatc mienh diev kouv naanc yiem ninh mbuo nyei youh nzauh jauv daaih gauh camv jiex yiem ga’qiex nyei jauv. “As psychiatrists we see more people suffering from depression than from all other emotional problems put together. (Frank B. Minirth and Paul D. Meier, Happiness Is A Choice, Baker Books, Grand Rapids, 1978, p. 20., cited in

33 Yiem minc zinh nyei ziangh hoc, 20 dauh Meiv Guoqv nyei mienh maaih dauh maaih kuonx hnyouv nyei baengc yiem sin, zien nor maaih gauh camv jiex naaiv, mv baac maaih deix maiv mingh lorz ndie-sai tengx fai mienh tengx. At the present time, one American in 20 is medically diagnosed as suffering from depression... of course, many, many more are depressed but never receive help.

34 Ei jienv dongh mienh hnamv daaih nyei jauv maaih leih maiv go maaih 20 ziux Meiv Guoqv nyei mienh yiem 18 hnyaangx caux 74 hnyaangx nyei mienh maaih kuonx hnyouv nyei baengc. According to one estimate about 20 million persons in America between the ages of eighteen and 74 are currently depressed.

35 M’sieqv dorn maaih kuonx hnyouv nyei jauv i nzunc gauh camv m’jangc dorn, yiem naaiv deix kuonx hnyouv nyei jauv camv jiex se weic zinh nyaanh nyei jauv. Maaih zinh nyaanh yaac maiv maaiz maiv duqv njien nyei jauv. Depression occurs two times more often in females, than males, and it occurs three times more often in higher socio- economic groups. Money definitely does not buy happiness.”

36 Congh Mengh 13:7 “Haaix dauh weic ninh ganh butv zoih wuov dauh se maiv maaih haaix nyungc.” Proverbs 13:7 “There is one who makes himself rich, yet has nothing...”

37 Maaih dauh zoux saeng-eix nyei butv-zoih mbuov yiem Colorado, nyungc-nyungc ninh maaih, maaih auv nzueic, maaih fu’jueiv guai ziangh horngh, yaac m’sieqv bou nzueic yaac ziangh horngh. Mv baac ninh oix daix ninh gauh daic. Weic zuqc ninh maiv buangv eix ninh nyei zinh nyaanh. “There was a millionaire businessmen had a big houses, yachts, condominiums in Colorado, nice children, a beautiful mistress, an unsuspecting wife, secure corporate positions--and suicidal tendencies, because he wasn’t satisfy his money.”

38 MONEY: 1. Can buy a bed, but not sleep 2. Can buy books, but not knowledge 3. Can buy food, but not an appetite 4. Can buy a clock, but not time 5. Can buy a position, but not respect 6. Can buy medicine, but not health 7. Can buy amusement, but not happiness 8. Can buy jewelry, but not beauty

39 “He who loves pleasure will be a poor man; He who loves wine and oil will not be rich” (Prov. 21:17, NKJV). Haaix dauh hnamv zinh nyaanh wuov dauh se benx mienh jomc mienh; haaix dauh hnamv diuv caux hmei maiv haih butv zoih. Maiv dungx la’kuqv wuov dauh dorn-guangh guonx nyei jauv. Remember the prodigal son. (Luke 15:13-16) – Lugaa 15:13-16

40 Yie yiem hnyouv hnamv, “Daaih maah! Yie oix zoux njien-youh nauc ngitc nyei sic seix mangc gaax orn-loqc nyei jauv se hnangv haaix nor. Mv baac buatc fih hnangv nyei se kungx benx kungx-morngh hnangv (Gorngv Seix Zangc 2:1). “ I said in my heart, ‘Come now, I will test you with mirth; therefore enjoy pleasure’; but surely, this also was vanity” (Eccl. 2:1)

41 Dead-End Paths To HAPPINESS UNBELIEVERS CLAIM THAT THEY ARE CHOOSING HAPPINESS: Ossessions – Siou-Setv Leasure – Mbuo oix nyei jauv Opularity – Mengh hoc nyei jauv (Luke 6:26 = Lugaa 6:26

42 Ecclesiastes 2 :10, Whatever my eyes desired I did not keep from them. I did not withhold my heart from any pleasure, For my heart rejoiced in all my labor; And this was my reward from all my labor. Yie nyei m'zing buatc oix longc haaix nyungc yie maiv ngaengc, yie nyei hnyouv oix zoux haaix nyungc duqv njien-youh yie yaac maiv laanh, weic zuqc yie nyei hnyouv a'hneiv haic yie zoux nyei nyungc-nyungc gong. Naaiv se yiem yie laauh luic duqv daaih nyei zingh nyeic (Gorngv Seix Zangc 2:10) (NKJV)

43 11 Yie samx mangc yie nyei buoz zoux jiex daaih nyei nyungc-nyungc, caux yie laauh luic zoux nyei yietc zungv gong, buatc benx kungx-morngh, kungx bun nziaaux saaux hnangv, yiem naaiv seix zaangc maiv haih duqv haaix nyungc longx. Laauh Luic Kouv Benx Kungx-Morngh (Gorngv Seix Zangc 2:11) Then I thought about all that I had done and how hard I had worked doing it, and I realized that it didn't mean a thing. It was like chasing the wind---of no use at all. Ecclesiastes 2:11

44 13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. 13 Gorx-youz aac, yie maiv zeiz funx yie zorqv duqv mi'aqv. Yie kungx zoux nduqc nyungc hnangv. Jiex daaih nyei sic yie la'kuqv nzengc mi'aqv. Longc qaqv hungx jienv wuov ndaangc mingh. (1)

45 14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. 14 baeng zaqc tiux taux zorqv duqv zingh nyeic nyei dorngx, se dongh Tin-Hungh heuc yie kaux Giduc Yesu mingh yiem gu'nguaaic duqv nyei zingh nyeic.

46 “and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will GUARD your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Oix zuqv longc “Tin-Hungh nyei baengh orn, dongh baamh mienh zungv hnamv maiv zaaic nyei baengh orn, daaih beu goux meih mbuo nyei hnyouv caux hnamv nyei jauv, weic zuqc meih mbuo caux Giduc Yesu juangc maengc ziangh. (2) (your mind with the peace of God)

47 1.Oix zuqc kaux Ziouv Yesu (4:4) 2.Hiuv duqv Ziouv caux mbuo dongh yiem (4:5) 3.Daux gaux weic nyungc-nyungc sic (4:6, 7) 4.Haaix nyungc longx nyei zanx jienv hnyouv (4:8) (2) (your mind with the peace of God)

48 5. Zuotc hnamv Tin-Hungh nyei nyungc (4:9) 6. Jangx jienv Ziouv bun nyei orn-lorqc (4:10) 7. Hoqc buangv eix nyei jauv (4:11, 12) 8. Ziouv bun mbuo maaih qaqv (4:13)

49 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” “Giduc bun yie maaih qaqv, haaix nyungc yie ziouc zoux duqv aqv. (Philippians 4:13 – Fi^lipv^poi 4:13) opposed to “I can’t” has the power to cope with, is competent

50 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” “Giduc bun yie maaih qaqv, haaix nyungc yie ziouc zoux duqv aqv. (Phil. 4:13, NKJV) “all things” as fitting the context

51 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” “Giduc bun yie maaih qaqv, haaix nyungc yie ziouc zoux duqv aqv. (Phil. 4:13, NKJV) cf. “...He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing” (Jn. 14:15)

52 “Giduc bun yie maaih qaqv, haaix nyungc yie ziouc zoux duqv aqv. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13, NKJV) he empowers, trains, encourages, etc.

53 The Depressed Mind Is an anxious mind – but God provides a cure. “ Oix zuqc zorqv yietc zungv youh nzauh guangc bun ninh weic zuqc ninh goux jienv meih mbuo.” (1 Bide 5:7) “Leave all your worries with him, because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7) IF YOU ARE FEELING DEPRESSED, GUESS WHO IS IN WEARING DOWN YOUR MIND?

54 Is filled with hopelessness – but God provides hope (Titus 1:2) Dongh maiv lamh hnamv nyei jauv – Tin-Hungh bun mbuo maaih lamh hnamv Tidatc 1:2)

55 CONCLUSION DEPRESSION! Maiv dungx weic haaix nyungc guaax hnyouv (Phil. 4:6) Oix zuqc bun Tin-Hungh zoux Ziouv (Matv^taai 6:33-34) Tin-Hungh oix ziux goux meih yiem 6 nyungc jauv (Singx Nzung (111:1-10). “Yesu aengx gorngv, maiv dungx hnyouv huaang hnyouv nzauh. Oix zuqc sienx kaux yaac sienx kaux Yie” (Yo^han 14:1) “Tin-Hungh ”

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