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Jude 1:20 We Have come this Far by Faith. To our Past Year Taking a Look Back.

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Presentation on theme: "Jude 1:20 We Have come this Far by Faith. To our Past Year Taking a Look Back."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jude 1:20 We Have come this Far by Faith


3 To our Past Year Taking a Look Back

4 Brother David Celebrated his 10 th year as Minister of Music and administration

5 Began a Partnership with Brewton Parker College with Dr. David Wilson becoming a part time Professor of Music

6 We called Steven Dresen as our Minister to Students and Families

7 Received 17 new members in 2012

8 $521,311.00 Our Budget For Last Year

9 Installed a new Elevator

10 $538,147.22 Received toward the budget

11 Purchased the Sharpe Property

12 Received Funds to purchase a New Bus


14 Don’t Be


16 The Last words of the church will be “We have not done it that way before”

17 The church is made up of people with different perspectives and gifts

18 “If doing things like we have always done it, would do it, how come we haven't done it” A Profound Thought!

19 “Be a Stepping stone and not a stumbling block”

20 “Dream Big Dreams with God and Accomplish Great things for God”

21 Philippians 4:13 (KJV) “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” The Great Possibilities

22 Growth Average attendance - 175 Goal for this year- 203

23 Goals for 2013 25 New Members by Baptism 20 New Members by Letter & Statement





28 “Close circuit T.V. So those working in the nursery can be a part of the worship services”

29 First Baptist Church of Sylvania Georgia is a Historical Church seeking to love and reach a Contemporary world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

30 We Will give account to the Lord for what we have done and what we have not done for the Lord

31 Our motto for this year “ We must Wake up, pray up, sing up, preach up, pay up, and never give up, let up, back up, or shut up until the cause of Christ is built up!


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